Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Religion, MA: New Testament

First Advisor

S. Douglas Waterhouse


Problem In Seventh-day Adventism Ellen G. White is a key figure. Debate exists over whether she did serious biblical exegesis, engaged in proof-text eisegesis, or did only thematic homiletics. Method Selections of White's writings were approached using Dr. Douglas Waterhouse's biblical hermeneutic in which ritual, nature, and cosmos are three levels of meaning revealed in sound biblical exegesis. From the various aspects of nature, light was selected. Life Sketches and Earlv Writings were the source of autobiographical data. The parable of the Ten Virgins as interpreted in Christ's Object Lessons was the case study. Results White does homiletics which are faithful to the canons of responsible biblical exegesis. Waterhouse's hermeneutic assisted in the understanding of White's exegesis of the Ten Virgins, providing explanations of connections between believer, heavenly sanctuary, Holy Spirit, and the two anointed ones.

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