"Introduction and Operation of Videoplayers for Religious Instruction i" by Steve Joannou

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


College of Education and International Services


Religious Education, MA

First Advisor

Donald E. Van Duinen


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to explore the feasibility of introducing and operating video players in the Seventh-day Adventist Church for religious instruction.

Importance of the Study

The first two waves of the electronic appliance age have left an indelible mark on mankind. In some countries there are more radio receivers than people and more television sets than bathtubs. Now the third wave, the video player, is about to break upon us, and it could transform as dramatically as the first two the cultural habits of the world. Even skeptics are now willing to concede that the video player will become a reality, in the world market, by the mid-seventies. This third wave will bring about what has been called the video player revolution for the advent of the video player didn't just open the treasure chest—it "blew the lid off" and created a whole new way of mass communication.

For the first time, a mass produced medium can reach any segment of the population and need not depend upon mass distribution and acceptance. Further it can be pointed out that whenever videoplayers are directed to a particular group a specialized audience is created, ready to receive any input specially prepared for it. The advantages of an audiovisual Bible study given by means of videoplayers can be summarized as follows:

1. Old and young, learned or unlearned, talkative or quiet can give clear, concise Bible studies.

2. Presentation of song and word is of the highest possible quality.

3. The recorded music of each Bible study plays a vital role in softening hearts.

4. Experience shows that very few people, will interrupt an audiovisual Bible study.

5. It is always ready—at a moment's notice—to present the Message.

6. Many people will listen and see the recorded program but would not listen to the individual speaker. It has been proved that in some subjects up to 85% more is learned through audiovisuals and learning lasts. This is clearly illustrated by the chart below. (TABSA Handbook, 19&5, p. 17) 1

Subject Area

Video tape recorders

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