Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


College of Education and International Services


Special Education, MA

First Advisor

Luana Greulich

Second Advisor

Michael Gayle


Daily structured physical education programming should be protected to support the achievement of goals set within an individual education plan (IEP) for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). To ensure this is a priority, parent satisfaction is necessary to prioritize a healthy partnership between home and school. The objective of this research study is to identify the level of parent/guardian satisfaction in school-based and community-based daily organized physical education provided for children with autism. The research will determine if parents/guardians are wholly satisfied with the programming provided by their child’s school, or if greater satisfaction is attained when parents outsource their child’s daily organized physical education to a community-based program, and furthermore, the level of satisfaction a combination of the two provides.

A survey gauging parent satisfaction was distributed to all schools within a private educational system in the Pacific Northwest, which includes five senior academies, five junior academies, five elementary schools, and one distributed learning school. Those schools’ administrative offices distributed the surveys to all parents/guardians of students registered with a Code G (ASD) designation within their 1701 files, and the results were run through a One-way Analysis of Variance and Tukey’s HSD data analysis to reveal the significance of parent/guardian satisfaction.

Subject Area

Autistic children--Education; Physical education and training; Autism spectrum disorders; Special education--Activity programs
