"The Relationship Between the Self-Concept and School Achievement in th" by Aneesi B. Nakhle

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


College of Education and International Services

First Advisor

C. Reichert

Second Advisor

N. Burrell

Third Advisor

M. Youngberg



The purpose of the study was to determine the extent of the relationship between the self-concept and the academic achievement of the disadvantaged child.


The subjects studied were randomly selected from an inner city elementary school. The sample consisted of 97 black and 8 white children of ages 9 to 13, in a nongraded school. The pupils were administered the California Achievement Test Level 3 Form B, and the California Test of Personality, Level 2, Form AA. Both tests were administered during the month of April 1972. The statistical treatment of the data consisted of obtaining the coefficients of intercorrelation between the following four variables: (1) school achievement., (2) self-concept, (3) school placement level, (4) sex. The Pearson product-moment method of obtaining correlation coefficients was used, and a total of 720 coefficients were calculated by the use of a computer. In each case, the correlation between self-concept and school achievement was determined relative to school placement levels and sexes.


The data indicated that there was a positive and statistically significant correlation between the self-concept and academic achievement. The results of the study are predictive and show that the lower the self-concept in the disadvantaged child, the lower will be his school achievement. Likewise the higher his self-concept, the higher will be his school achievement.

Subject Area

Children with social disabilities--Attitudes; Children with social disabilities--Education (Elementary)



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