Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science
College of Arts and Sciences
Biology, MS
First Advisor
Denise L. Smith
Second Advisor
Desmond H. Murray
Third Advisor
Robert Zdor
Glioblastoma is the most devastating of brain cancers with a very high death rate and a low survival rate of less than 15 months after diagnosis. Glioblastoma is a cancer of astrocytes which are the majority of the brain glial cells that support neurons and help create the blood-brain barrier among other functions. The current approach to treating this disease is surgical removal of the main tumor, followed by radiotherapy and limited chemical intervention by the use of temozolomide (TMZ). This disease is characterized by high invasion and recurrence after surgical removal of the main tumor as a result of cancerous astrocytes migrating from the main tumor site to other parts of the brain. Novel dihydropyridines were synthesized and their effects tested on glioblastoma cell line U-87MG to screen for their anti-cancer activities. Cell viability assays were performed to establish the (lethal concentration) LC50 of these compounds. The novel hybrid dihydropyridines reduced the cell viability of U-87MG cells, with the substituted aromatic compounds being more potent than substituted heteroaromatic compounds.
Subject Area
Brain cancer; Astrocytes; Dihydropyridine
Recommended Citation
Hunyenyiwa, Tendai, "Investigating the Anti-Cancer Properties of Novel Hybrid 1,4-Dihydropyridine Derivatives in U-87MG Glioblastoma Cell" (2019). Master's Theses. 131.
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