"Servant Leadership: A Study About Organizational Health, Leadership St" by Osmar Borges Lima

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts


College of Education and International Services


Leadership, MA

First Advisor

Eliseu Nevil Menegusso

Second Advisor

Gustavo Gregorutti

Third Advisor

Josmar Sionti Arrais de Matos



Due to the low engagement of the pastors of Missão Bahia Sudoeste (MBSo) in the Small Groups program as compared to other field within the União Leste Brasileira (ULB) it was decided to investigate the organizational health, the leadership practices and styles, as well as the job satisfaction on the part of the MBSo’s pastors.


The study was conducted among 52 pastors who represented the three levels of leadership designated by the OLA research instrument (Top Leadership, Management and Work Force) which analyses the perception of the participants six key areas of leadership, as well as six levels of organizational health, as well as the Work Force job satisfaction.


The research showed that the participants perceived the organizational health of MBSo as Limited, the leadership style as Paternalistic Negative, whereas the Work Force considered the Job Satisfaction as Good. It was also detected that both the Top Leadership and Management pastors perceived the Organizational Health as Moderate and the Leadership Style as Paternalistic Positive.


As a result one can conclude that MBSo has two main challenges: implement mechanisms that contribute to the Community Building, thus elevating the level of Organizational Health towards moderate, excellent and optimal health, and develop the Imparted Leadership style towards Paternalistic Positive till Servant Leadership. Regarding Job Satisfaction, even though considered Good, MBSo should aim at Very Good level. With the strengthening of these areas the organization will be better able to engage more members of the ministerial area in the relational structure of the Small Groups.

Subject Area

Servant leadership--Religious aspects--Seventh-day Adventists; Organizational behavior; Small groups--Brazil--Religious aspects--Seventh-day Adventists; Christian leadership--Seventh-day Adventists; Seventh-day Adventists--Brazil--Clergy; Bahia Southeastern Mission of Seventh-day Adventists

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Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License
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