"A Methodological and Theological Evaluation of Jon L. Dybdahl's Theolo" by Elvis-Silviu Dumitru

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Masters of Art


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Religion, MA

First Advisor

Zoltán Szallós-Farkas

Second Advisor

Laurenţiu F. Moţ



The concept of spirituality has become popular in recent years among both Christians and non-Christians. The meaning of this term has evolved from biblical times to the present, and today we can come across many types of spirituality. Even in the Adventist Church this concept is understood differently. Ellen White emphasizes that we can correctly represent the character of Christ only by being spiritual, and unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are not spiritual. One of the most influential Adventist theologians concerned with this subject is Jon L. Dybdahl, which highlights the benefits of all types of spirituality. In the present study, we will identify the biblical vision of spirituality and compare it with Dybdahl’s theology of spirituality.


To understand the biblical spirituality we will do an exegetical study of this term, analyzing the meaning of the word in Scripture and we will observe how its meaning has changed throughout history. We will also carefully examine Dybdahl’s theology of spirituality highlighting the premises, presuppositions and the methodology which Jon L. Dybdahl used in his study and also the implications that it has on developing Seventh-day Adventist spirituality.


After the 17th century, the concept of spirituality began to be popular in Western Europe and then in many parts of the world. Today we can come across several types of spirituality and a variety of understandings of this concept. This research indicates that authentic spirituality is based on three principles/pillars that are (a) Solus Deus - The only God; (b) Sola Scriptura - Scripture alone; (c) Sola Fide - Faith alone. These principles are essential to reach Bible-sound spirituality, because it reveals that man does not have to let his culture, temper or personal preferences to influence his spirituality, but through faith in the Scripture and the influence of the Holy Spirit, the Subject (man) have to discover the Object (God) and become like Him.


This study indicates that Bible-based spirituality involves a strong relationship with the Triune God who is relived in Scriptures and a life continuously influenced and transformed by the Holy Spirit. Authentic Spirituality cannot be reached only by practicing certain rituals, but it implies both theoretical (hermeneutical/the knowledge about God) and practical (relationship/knowledge of God) side.

Subject Area

Spirituality--Seventh-day Adventists; Spirituality--Christianity--History; Dybdahl, Jon--Views on Spirituality

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