Faculty Publications



articles from 2019


The Truthful Self: Subjectivity, Truth, and Hermeneutics in Dialogue with Michel Foucault, Ante Jerončić

The Doctrine of God: Introducing the Big Questions, John C. Peckham


Explore God: The Problem of Evil and Suffering, John C. Peckham


John Peckham: Theodicy of Love: Cosmic Conflict and the Problem of Evil, John C. Peckham

Qualified Passibility, John C. Peckham

The Divine Council, Cosmic Conflict, and the Problem of Evil (Interview with Dr. John Peckham), John C. Peckham


Theodicy of Love Pt. 1 (Dr. John Peckham), John C. Peckham


Theodicy of Love Pt. 2: The Cosmic Conflict (Dr. John Peckham), John C. Peckham


The Olasky Interview: John Peckham, John C. Peckham


Trusting God’s Purposes: Theologian John Peckham on God’s Sovereignty, Evil, and Free Will, John C. Peckham


Un solo Dio in tre persone, John C. Peckham


Un solo Dio in tre persone: Quarta e ultima parte, John C. Peckham


Un solo Dio in tre persone: Seconda parte, John C. Peckham


Un solo Dio in tre persone: Terza Parte, John C. Peckham


Can I Trust the Bible? Canonicity of Scripture (Dr. John C. Peckham), John C. Peckham, Kendra Arsenault, and Michelle Odinma

Divine Impassibility: Four Views of God's Emotions and Suffering, John C. Peckham, Daniel Castelo, James E. Dolezal, and Thomas Jay Oord


Cosmic Conflict One View of Evil’s Existence and God’s Goodness, John C. Peckham and Marvin Olasky

How to Square God's Omniscience, Omnipotence, & Loving Character with the Enormity of Suffering in the World, John C. Peckham and Marvin Olasky

Submissions from 2018

The Soteriology of Philip Melanchthon, Timothy J. Arena

Christian Life: What Are Our Responsibilities as a Christian Community? (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Jenifer Daley, and Martin Hanna

Christian Life: What Are My Responsabilities as a Christian? (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Jenifer Daley, and Martin F. Hanna

Salvation: God’s Promises: God’s Faithfulness in the Face of Human Fallibility (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Richard M. Davidson, and Jiri Moskala

Salvation: God’s Promises: God’s Faithfulness in the Face of Human Fallibility (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Richard M. Davidson, and Jiri Moskala

The Last Things: When Is the Final Judgment Beginning?, Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Richard M. Davidson, and Jiri Moskala

Great Controversy: The Great Controversy between Good and Evil (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Martin Hanna, and John C. Peckham

The Last Things: The Great Controversy between Good and Evil (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Martin Hanna, and John C. Peckham

The Church: God and community: Biblical Ordinances to Keep the Connection Alive (Part 1), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Darius Jankiewicz, and Denis Fortin ed.

The Church: God and community: Biblical Ordinances to Keep the Connection Alive (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Darius Jankiewicz, and Denis Fortin

The Church: The Gifts of the Spirt (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Darius W. Jankiewicz, and Larry L. Lichtenwalter

Christian Life: Biblical Sexuality: The Beauty of Physical Intimacy, Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Edyta Jankiewicz, and David Sedlacek

Christian Life: Marriage and Faith: Applying Biblical Principles to Family Life Today (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Edyta Jankiewicz, and David Sedlacek

Christian Life: Marriage and Faith: Applying Biblical Principles to Family Life Today (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Edyta Jankiewicz, and David Sedlacek

The Last Things: The World is Ending: The Hope of the Second Coming, Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Ante Jeroncic, and Jo Ann Davidson

The Last Things: The Good News of the Final Judgment, Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Jiri Moskala, and Richard M. Davidson

The Last Things: What’s up with Dragons and Bears? Symbolic Prophecies and Our Future?, Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Jiri Moskala, and Oliver Glanz

Holy Spirit: Who is the Holy Spirit?, Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, John C. Peckham, and John Reeve

Holy Spirit: What is the Holy Spirit Doing?, Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, John C. Peckham, and John W. Reeve

Christian Life: Can We Live Biblically? Applying Ancient Principles to Our Time (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, John Reeve, and Ante Jeroncic

The Last Things: The Final Kingdom: Life as it Was Meant to Be, Forever, Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Teresa L. Reeve, and Jo Ann Davidson

Christian Life: Can We Live Biblically? Applying Ancient Principles to Our Time (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Teresa L. Reeve, and Ante Jeroncic

Hermeneutics: Reading the Bible: Practical Suggestions, Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Teresa Reeve, and Jerome L. Skinner

Hermeneutics: What Does the Bible Say about Reading the Bible?, Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Jerome L. Skinner, and Teresa Reeve

The Church: God’s Community and the Urgent Message of the Gospel, Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Ranko Stefanovic, and Oliver Glanz

Christian Life: Faith and Health: Live Long and Prosper? (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Rahel Wells, and Peter Landless

Christian Life: Faith and Health: Live Long and Prosper? (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Rahel Wells, and Peter Landless

The Church: The Gifts of the Spirt (Part 2), Felix Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Darius Jankiewicz, and Larry L. Lichtenwalter

The Last Things: The Millennium: When? What? And, Why?, Felix Cortez, Andrea Jakobsons, Ranko Stefanovic, and John W. Reeve


The Holy Spirit: A Power or a Person, JoAnn Davidson


The Second Coming of Christ: Is There a Delay?, JoAnn Davidson

Wind and the "Holy Wind": Divine Assurance of Salvation, JoAnn Davidson


Church Governance in Times of Conflict, Denis Fortin


Church Governance in Times of Conflict, Denis Fortin ed.

Cómo Usaba E. G. White la Biblia: Implicaniones para la Teología Adventista, Denis Fortin

El Ministerio de E. G. White en la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día, Denis Fortin


Everyday Sacred: Religion in Contemporary Quebec, Denis Fortin

Historical and Theological Background of the Doctrine of Atonement, Denis Fortin


Life Together and Conflict Resolution, Denis Fortin

One in Christ: Biblical Concepts for a Doctrine of Church Unity, Denis Fortin


Oneness in Christ: Adult Bible Study Guide, Denis Fortin


Sanctification and Perfection are the Work of a Lifetime, Denis Fortin


Steps to Christ revisited, Denis Fortin

Por Qué Creemos en E.G. White y el Don Profético, Denis Fortin ed., Abner F. Hernandez ed., and David Sciarabba ed.

Enciclopédia Ellen G. White, Denis Fortin and Jerry Moon

Foreknowledge and the Freedom of Salvation, Martin Hanna


What Shall We Say About Sin? A Study of "Hamartia" in Paul's Letter to the Romans, Martin Hanna


Authoridad del Lider Cristiano, Darius Jankiewicz


Febe ¿Fue ella una líder en la iglesia primitive?, Darius Jankiewicz

Introduction and Epilogue, Darius Jankiewicz


Jesus Christ: Savior and Example, Darius Jankiewicz

Sin and Human Nature: Historical Background, Darius Jankiewicz


Inhabiting the Kingdom: On Apocalyptic Identity and Last Generation Lifestyle, Ante Jeroncic

God's Character and the Last Generation, Jiri Moskala and John Peckham


God is Love-Part 4, John C. Peckham


God is Love-Part 5, John C. Peckham


God is Love-Part 6, John C. Peckham


God is Love-Part 7, John C. Peckham


God is Love-Part 8, John C. Peckham


Great Controversy Issues, John C. Peckham


The Bible and the Problem of Evil, John C. Peckham

Theodicy of Love: Cosmic Conflict and the Problem of Evil, John C. Peckham


The Trinity-Part 1, John C. Peckham


The Trinity-Part 2, John C. Peckham


The Trinity-Part 3, John C. Peckham


The Trinity-Part 4, John C. Peckham


The Trinity-Part 5, John C. Peckham


The Trinity-Part 6, John C. Peckham


The Trinity-Part 7, John C. Peckham


The Trinity-Part 8, John C. Peckham


The Triumph of God's Love, John C. Peckham


Toward a Systematic Theology of the Sanctuary: Part 1, John C. Peckham

A Word From the Editors, John C. Peckham and Jiri Moskala

The Love of God, John C. Peckham and Alex Rodriguez

Submissions from 2017

God, The Father: God and Us: How Does Revelation and Inspiration Work? (Part 1), Felix Cortez, JoAnn Davidson, E. Edward Zinke, and Andrea Jakobsons

The Church: What is It and Do We still Need It? (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Katrina B. Blue, Darius Jankiewicz, and Andrea Jakobsons

Salvation: God for Us: Jesus as Sacrifice, Priest, and King. (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Merlin Burt, Alberto Timm, and Andrea Jakobsons

Salvation: God for Us: Jesus as Sacrifice, Priest, and King. (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Merlin Burt, Alberto Timm, and Andrea Jakobsons

Creation: How Did it All Begin? (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Aaron Corbit, Martin F. Hanna, and Andrea Jakobsons


God, The Son: Who is Jesus and What is He Doing for Us? (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Carl P. Cosaert, Darius Jankiewicz, and Andrea Jakobsons

Humanity: Hope after Death: If Death is not the End, What’s Next? (Part I), Felix H. Cortez, Carl P. Cosaert, Larry Lichtenwalter, and Andrea Jakobsons

Humanity: Hope after Death: If Death is not the End, What’s Next? (Part 2), Felix H. Cortez, Carl P. Cosaert, Larry L. Lichtenwalter, and Andrea Jakobsons