Scriptural Pursuit
Worship and Song and Praise

Worship and Song and Praise


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Worship, an experience common to most human beings, is the Scriptural Pursuit discussion topic for July, August and September 2011. We worship God, not ourselves; hence, worship must be about Him, about giving glory to Him, and not about music, culture, or worship styles. Worship should be permeated by a sense of reverence and awe for our God, an attitude that will give us the humility and surrender so needed for true worship. Worship affords an opportunity to recognize who God is and to realize who you are in relationship to God. These and many other Biblical concepts of worship will be discussed in a panel moderated by Glenn Russell.

There is no question that song and music and praise are part of our worship experience. As creatures made in God’s image, we share a love and an appreciation for music, as do other intelligent beings. It is hard to imagine a culture that does not use music in some way or another, for some purpose or another. Love and appreciation of music are woven into the very fabric of our human existence; God surely made us that way.

Music has the power to touch us and move us that other forms of communication do not seem to have. At its purest and finest, music seems to lift us into the very presence of the Lord. Who has not experienced, at some point, the power of music to bring us closer to our Maker?

Music in our worship services should have a balance of spiritual, intellectual, and emotional elements. The lyrics, in harmony with the music itself, should uplift us, elevate our thoughts, and make us long more for the Lord who has done so much for us. Music that can bring us to the foot of the cross, that can help us to realize what we have been given in Christ, is the kind we need for our worship. What is important for worship music is that it point us to the noblest and the best, which is the Lord.

This week’s Scriptural Pursuit discussion will feature men and women who have contributed powerful music experience to enhance Christian worship. Hopefully, this discussion will help shape your worship music experience.

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Department of Religion & Biblical Languages


Berrien Springs, Michigan


Practical Theology

First Department

Religion and Biblical Languages

Second Department

Theology and Christian Philosophy

Streaming Media

Worship and Song and Praise
