The purpose of this journal is to promote a climate of respect, understanding and sharing between Jewish and Christian communities; not only for the exercise of love and appreciation of the other, but also for the discovery of truths and values which surpass the genius of both traditions.
This is the hope dreamed in the name of our journal, SHABBAT SHALOM: hope of reconciliation, hope of SHALOM, inspired and nurtured through a common reflection anchored in the experience of the SHABBAT. .
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Current Issue: Volume 56, Number 3 (2009) Shavout
Full Issue
Shavuot and Shalom
Jacques B. Doukhan
Doing Shavuot
Tiago Arrais
Shavuot - Spiritual Lessons
Richard M. Davidson
The Torah (The Law)
Jacques B. Doukhan
Shavuot and the Early Christians
Robert M. Johnston
Shavuot in the Book of Acts
Jacques B. Doukhan
Shavuot in the Book of Revelation
Jacques B. Doukhan
Last in Creation, First in Intention
Dwight A. Pryor
Recent Books
Jacques B. Doukhan