Social Consciousness Summit | Andrews University


The Social Consciousness Summit is an annual event at Andrews University designed to focus our attention on important social issues that have special relevance to our students, faculty, staff, and community. These events are designed to put the spotlight on current social-ills and provide opportunities to advance awareness, intelligent dialogue, and agitate for change. Titles included The Rwanda Genocide, Refugees and Immigration, Poverty, Racial Justice, and COVID-19 Impact on Minorities. In 2020, the summit was hosted by the Office for Diversity and Inclusion, Office of the Provost, Office of Research and Creative Scholarship, and Spectrum Lakeland Health.

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Browse the contents of Social Consciousness Summit:

2020 Social Consciousness Summit - Covid-19 Impact on Minorities
2018 Social Consciousness Summit - The Legacy of Dr. King: Are We Living the Dream?
2017 Social Consciousness Summit - Border Wars: A Summit on Refugees and Immigration
2016 Social Consciousness Summit - Race in Adventism
2015 Social Consciousness Summit - Racial Justice
2014 Social Consciousness Summit - Poverty
2013 Social Consciousness Summit - Human Trafficking
2012 Social Consciousness Summit - Rwandan Genocide