Date of Award


Document Type



Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


The ministry of Ellet J. Waggoner and Alonzo T. Jones made an indelible mark on the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its theology through their proclamation of what has been coined “The 1888 Message.” In consequence, Waggoner has been studied extensively in Adventist academia as well as by laypersons. However, much of this study has focused on biographical data, interpersonal conflict between Waggoner and Ellen White, and most of all, Waggoner’s soteriology and Christology.

Despite the intense interest in Waggoner, no study to date has been published with a systematic explanation of Waggoner’s pneumatology. The purpose of this study was to fill this gap by exploring and synthesizing E. J. Waggoner’s views on the Holy Spirit as expressed in his published books and pamphlets. This research adds to the understanding of Waggoner’s theology by systematizing his disparate statements referencing the nature and work of the Holy Spirit and highlighting his unique pneumatological views and their implications. However, due to Waggoner’s extensive writing career, this study was limited to his published books and pamphlets which excludes his voluminous periodical publications.