Faculty Publications
Submissions from 2024
Ears to Hear: How to Study the Bible and Let Scripture Speak for Itself, Félix H. Cortez
Review of A Jewish Apocalyptic Framework of Eschatology in the Epistle to the Hebrews: Protology and Eschatology as Background, by Jihye Lee, Félix H. Cortez
Hope Channel Bible Help Desk, Félix H. Cortez, Davide Sciarabba, Crystal Louis, and Rebecca Fanai
The Laying on of Hands in Acts 6:6, Robert M. Johnston
The Seven Heavenly Messengers of Revelation 14 and Adventist Identity, Thomas Shepherd
The Book of Mark, Thomas R. Shepherd
Submissions from 2023
The Sabbath in the Pauline Writings, P. Richard Choi
Dios es Santo, Félix Cortez
La Personalidad de Dios, Félix Cortez
4 Ezra and Hebrews 2:1-9: Suffering and God's Faithfulness to His Promises, Félix H. Cortez
Hermeneutics for the local church, Félix H. Cortez
Hermeneutics for the Local Church, Félix H. Cortez
Review of So Great a Salvation: A Dialogue on the Atonement in Hebrews, edited by George H. Guthrie, Jon Laansma, and Cynthia Long Westfall, Félix H. Cortez
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for March 22, 2023, Ruben Covarrobias, Crystal Louis, Marquis Johns, and Félix Cortez
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for March 8, 2023, Ruben Covarrubias, Crystal Louis, Félix Cortez, and Marquis Johns
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for April 19, 2023, Ruben Covarrubias, Crystal Louis, Andrea Jakobsons, and Tom Shepherd
On God’s Side of History: Time and Apocalyptic History in Paul’s Speech to the Areopagus, Keldie Paroschi
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for April 5, 2023, Enkose Plummer, Ruben Covarrubias, Tom Shepherd, and Andrea Jakobsons
The Textual History and Translation of Revelation 21.3b, Thomas Shepherd
The Sabbath in the Gospel of Mark, Thomas R. Shepherd
Training Seminary Students to Preach and Publish: A Quantitative Narrative Analysis Approach, Thomas R. Shepherd
¿Qué dicen las Escrituras sobre el don profético?, Ranko Stefanovic
The Bible in Seventh-day Adventist Churches, Ranko Stefanovic
The Great Rebellion and the Mystery of Lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians 2,1-12, Ranko Stefanovic
El contexto de los mensajes de los tres ángeles, Ranko Stefanović
El evangelio eterno de Dios, Ranko Stefanović
Pautas para una predicación responsable del Apocalipsis, Ranko Stefanović
Profetiza otra vez: Origen y misión de la Iglesia, Ranko Stefanović
The Meaning of "The Lord's Day" in Revelation 1:10, Ranko Stefanović
The Trinity, Ranko Stefanovic, Denis Kaiser, Frank Hasel, and Keldi Paroschi
Seminary Establishes The Center for Community Change, Cedric Vine
Exodus Allusions in the Midsection of the Gospel of Matthew, Cedric E. W. Vine
Books from 2022
En estos últimos días: El mensaje de Hebreos, Felix Cortez
Felix Cortez - Daniel-A Master Witness for God, Felix Cortez
1 Timothy, Félix H. Cortez
Authorship of Hebrews: the Case for Paul, Félix H. Cortez
Creation in Hebrews, Félix H. Cortez
Introduction to "Jude", Félix H. Cortez
La muerte y el infierno en el Nuevo Testamento, Félix H. Cortez
La muerte y la esperanza futura en la Biblia hebrea, Félix H. Cortez
Muerte e infierno en el Nuevo Testamento, Félix H. Cortez
Muerte y esperanza futura en la Biblia hebrea, Félix H. Cortez
Muerte y esperanza futura en la Biblia hebrea, Félix H. Cortez
On the Authorship of Hebrews: The Case for Paul, Félix H. Cortez
The Meaning of the Cross, Félix H. Cortez
Childhood in the New Testament Period, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "1 Corinthians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "1 John", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "1 Peter", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "1 Thessalonians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "2 Corinthians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "2 John", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "2 Peter", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "2 Thessalonians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "2 Timothy", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "3 John", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Acts of the Apostles", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Colossians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Ephesians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Galatians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Hebrews", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "James", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "John", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Luke", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Mark", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Matthew", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Philemon", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Philippians", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Revelation", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Romans", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "Titus", Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Life in the New Testament World, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Magic in New Testament Times, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Oaths, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Prayer, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, and Hell: Concepts of the Afterlife in the Bible, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Slavery in New Testament Times, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Travel, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Weddings in New Testament Times, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Zealots, Félix H. Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Introduction to "1 Timothy", Félix Cortez and Keldie Paroschi
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for June 15, 2022, Ruben Covarrubias, Kenia Reyes, Félix Cortez, and Jeffrey Brown
2 Peter, Teresa L. Reeve
Bible HelpDesk: Episode for June 1, 2022, Kenia Reyes, Ruben Covarrubias, Jeffrey Brown, and Félix Cortez
Grace for Outsiders: How God Brings Outsiders In, Thomas Shepherd
How the Church Began: The Four Crucial Steps Jesus Took, Thomas R. Shepherd
Creation in the General Epistles, Thomas R. Shepherd
Creation in the Gospel of Mark, Thomas R. Shepherd
Mark, Thomas R. Shepherd
The Genesis Creation Account and Its Reverberations in the New Testament, Thomas R. Shepherd
Effective Preaching from the Book of Revelation, Ranko Stefanovic
El don profecia y la iglesis: Una perspective biblica, Ranko Stefanovic
Revelation 4 and 5: Inauguration of Chist or Investigative Judgment?, Ranko Stefanovic
"You Must Prophesy Again!": The Task and Mission of the End-Time Church, Ranko Stefanovic
2 Thessalonians, Ranko Stefanović
Africa in the Bible, Ranko Stefanović
Food Sacrificed to Idols, Ranko Stefanović
Galatia, Ranko Stefanović
Lydia, Ranko Stefanović
Megiddo, Ranko Stefanović