Submissions from 2016
Who Can I Turn To?, Susan E. Murray
Don't Borrow Worry, Susan E. Murray
Integrity, Susan E. Murray
Submissions from 2015
That’s Not Fair!, Susan E. Murray
‘Tis the Season, Winston J. Craig
Animal Therapy, Winston J. Craig
Lest We Forget, Susan E. Murray
On the Cutting Edge of Ministry, Becky St. Clair
Serving the Worldwide Community, Melodie Roschman
Offl ine But Not Idle, Winston J. Craig
Responding to Your Child’s Anger, Susan E. Murray
Coconut Paradise, Winston J. Craig
A Welcome Hospital Visitor, Susan E. Murray
The Paleo Plan, Winston J. Craig
Orange Crunch, Winston J. Craig
Ways to Encourage and Build Your Child’s Confifidence, Susan E. Murray
Dispensers of Hope, Susan E. Murray
The Daniel Plan, Winston J. Craig
A Gift for a Lifetime, Robert Overstreet
A Recipe for Success, Susan E. Murray
Going Gluten-free?, Winston J. Craig
After Every Wedding Comes a Marriage, Susan E. Murray
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do, Susan E. Murray
Praying for Your Child’s Future Mate, Susan E. Murray
Short on Shut-eye?, Winston J. Craig
Fostering Faith Through Spiritual Gifts, Susan Murray
I’m Sure You Said..., Susan E. Murray
Stress Less, Winston J. Craig
Submissions from 2014
Christians and Creation Care, Jo Ann Davidson
Gifts From the Heart, Susan E. Murray
Healthy Holidays, Winston J. Craig
Enriching and Educating Classical Music Connects Andrews and the Community, Becky St. Clair
Happily Ever After?, Susan E. Murray
Rich and Creamy Avocados, Winston J. Craig
Pipelines and Perseverance, Susan E. Murray
Sweet Results, Winston J. Craig
Andrews Academy Students Visit Guatemala, Steven Atkins
Healing Power of the Mind, Winston J. Craig
What You Might Not Know About Dyslexia, Susan E. Murray
Hand Me the Hazelnuts, Winston J. Craig
Lessons in Loyalty, Susan E. Murray
A Big Buzz, Winston J. Craig
D.I.N., Susan E. Murray
Going Raw, Winston J. Craig
Margin: Px for Overloaded Lives, Susan E. Murray
Heart Smart, Winston J. Craig
The Gift of Time-Chi l d r e n S p e ll L o v e . . . T - I - M - E, Susan E. Murray
Fighting the Flu, Winston J. Craig
For You, My Child, Susan E. Murray
Submissions from 2013
All I Want for Christmas, Susan E. Murray
Strategies for Success, Winston J. Craig
Enhanced Water, Winston J. Craig
From Generation to Generation, Susan E. Murray
Evangelists and Bicycles for Cuba, Cristine Orillosa - Thurber
Ouch! That Hurts!, Susan E. Murray
Supplement Shortfall, Winston J. Craig
Pass the Pecans, Winston J. Craig
Roots and Wings, Susan E. Murray
Answered Prayers, Elkid M. Álvarez -Maldonado
Gratitude Is an Attitude, Winston J. Craig
Look for the Helpers, Susan E. Murray
Celestial Sips, Winston J. Craig
For Better or For Worse?, Susan E. Murray
Nature Therapy, Winston J. Craig
Third Culture Kids, Susan Murray
Popular Alternatives, Winston J. Craig
Truth Is Timeless, Susan E. Murray
Responsible Stewardship, Winston J. Craig
What We Can Do for Our Girls, Susan E. Murray
Lesson from a Dahlia, Susan E. Murray
Mighty Magnesium, Winston J. Craig
Organic Payoff, Winston J. Craig
We Have this Moment, Susan E. Murray
The Neighborhood Kids-Obstacle or Opportunities?, Susan E. Murray
Weight Loss that Works, Winston J. Craig
Submissions from 2012
The Most Precious Gift, Susan E. Murray
Tired of Feeling Tired?, Winston J. Craig
Preventing Holiday Pounds, Winston J. Craig
Start Your Day Right, Winston J. Craig
The Marshmallow Test, Susan E. Murray
The Table Landscape, Winston J. Craig
Staying Power, Winston J. Craig
Click and Quack, Winston J. Craig
Dean named for new School of Health Professions, Keri Suarez
When Silence Isn’t Golden, Susan E. Murray
Tracking the Trans Fat, Winston J. Craig
Be Good to Yourselves, Parents!, Winston J. Craig
Justice and Mercy, Timothy P. Nixon
Laughter: Good Medicine, Winston J. Craig
Waves of Hope, Ashley Meyer
Architecture Missions Group Helps Rebuild Adventist University of Haiti, Keri Suarez
Impressions of the Master, Ashley Meyer
New Adventures, Winston J. Craig
Standing Tall, Bonnie Green
Sunlight Therapy, Winston J. Craig
Transitional Characters, Susan E. Murray
Brighten Your Winter Mood, Winston J. Craig
Five Habits that Can Ruin Your Marraige, Susan E. Murray
New Year’s Health-Check, Winston J. Craig
Submissions from 2011
Churches of Refuge, Ron Whitehead