Submissions from 2025
Closer to Jesus than I Thought, Beverly Matiko
Extra to My Ordinary, Mikey Ayala
Growing Need for Pastoral Care Among Refugee Congregations, David Pluviose
Little Acts of Kindness, Denis Kaiser
Submissions from 2024
A Place for Rest and Relaxation, Denis Kaiser
"Believe the Promise" International Pathfinder Camporee by the Numbers, Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Is There Someone You're Missing?, Ingrid Weiss Slikkers
The Greatest Gift, Lindsey Pratt
Andrews University Fellowships Foster Student-Led Worship, Tamara Wolcott Watson
Are You a Healthy Vegetarian?, Rachel Keele
Founded in faith. Forward in mission!, John Wesley Taylor V
From Reluctant Listener to Enthusiastic Member, Denis Kaiser
[Illustration of Andrews University History], Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Lily Foundation Gifts Seminary and Local Pastors, Andrew Francis
Maintaining Balance and Wellbeing in Families, Jasmine Fraser
Maranatha Haitian Congregation's Prayers are Answered for Church Building, David Pluviose
Restoring Soil, Souls and Stories, Sarah Gane Burton
Fostering a Better Relationship With Our Young People, Rogelio Paquini
How Far From Home?, Denis Kaiser
Promising Youth, Ron Whitehead
What I Learned About How the Church Works, Lora Baker
Family Communication and Youth Mental Health, Alina M. Baltazar and Yazmik Cantillano
Heroes Have Flaws, Denis Kaiser
How to Invest in Healthy Relationships, Brad Hinman
Moderation in All Things, Denis Kaiser
Navigating Your Teen's Fluctuating Mood, Jasmine Fraser
School of Architecture & Interior Design Introduces New Offerings, Andrews University
Beginning Eternity: Raising Children in Their Early Years, Sarah Gane Burton
Filling the Missing Part of a Child's Village, Melissa Ponce-Rodas
Fumble and Recovery in the End Zone, Isabella Koh
The Way of Life and the Way to Life, Denis Kaiser
Eliminating Hurry, Ingrid Weiss Slikkers
Evangelism is not Optional, Claval Hunter
La Educación más Esencial, Carmelo Mercado
Our Need of Christ, Denis Kaiser
"Hope for the Hurting Heart" Evangelistic Series Yields 33 Baptisms, David Pluviose
Imagine the Unimaginable, Denis Kaiser
Legacy of Our Pioneers: Is it Dead or Alive?, Edward Woods III
New Certification Programs Offered at Adventist Institutions, including Andrews University, Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Think Before You Speak, Elisabeth Jerončić
Why Would Anybody Self-harm?, Alina Baltazar
Year-End Reports Highlight Ministry Activities Across the Union, Debbie Michel
Submissions from 2023
A Different Question, Ingrid Weiss Slikkers
A Mystery Resolved, Denis Kaiser
Blessed are the Wholemakers, Ante Jerončić
Don't Sleep on This, Rachel Keele
Eight Years Old and Spreading the World, Nate Miller
People Make Mistakes, Denis Kaiser
Why I Preach: Five Parishioners Trade Pews for Pulpits, Beverly Matiko and Sandra Mendez
Bravery in the Face of Opposition, Denis Kaiser
Faith Alive, Isabella Koh
Keeping Your Emotions in Check, Brad Hinman
Looking Forward to Home, Sara Santana
Stories With a Purpose, Gillian Panigot
WAUS: Your Classical Connection, Isabella Koh
We Are Called to Fulfill Mission!, John Wesley Taylor V
What to Expect as Children Transition to Young Adults, Melissa Ponce-Rodas
Despite All Odds, Man "CiangPi" Ciang and Christiana Michel
From Personal Hardship to Compassionate Service, Denis Kaiser
Help Them!: Protecting Our Children from Abuse, Melissa Ponce-Rodas
Safeguarding Our Children from Abuse, David Sedlacek
A Missionary to Beekeepers, Denis Kaiser
Andreasen Center for Wellness: Serving the Community Creatively, Rachel Keele
Help Young Adults Manage Stress, Alina Baltazar
Andrews University Summer Camps, Andrews University
Celebrating 50 Years of Pastoral Ministry: A Tribute to Dwight Nelson, Lake Union Herald
From Gambling to Believing in the Second Advent, Denis Kaiser
Ode to One Who Has Pointed Us to the One: Dedicated to Pastor Dwight Nelson, Debbie Michel
Responding to the Needs of Hurting Children, Jasmine Fraser
Being a Living Letter, Denis Kaiser
Creating a New Normal for Mental Health, David Sedlacek
Es Tiempo de un Reavivamiento, Carmelo Mercado
Future Teachers of the Lake Union, Beverly Matiko
I Choose To Teach [Despite All That's Going On.]: Five Snapshots, Emily Gibbs and Beverly Matiko
It Takes a Church, Nicole Mattson
Christ in the City, Skip Bell
From Personal Trauma to Global Impact, Denis Kaiser
Support for Abuse Survivors, Ingrid Weiss Slikkers
Changing the World Right Next Door, Isabella Koh
Former inmates orchestrate spiritual prison break, Robert Rice
How to Improve Kids' Learning After the Pandemic, Alina Baltazar
The Adventist Truth and Sojourner's Legacy, Kevin M. Burton
The Man at the Heart of Adventism's First Black Family, Larry Onsager and Jim Nix
Words Matter, Denis Kaiser
Submissions from 2022
Food, Faith and Family: Two Master Chefs Dish Out Their Savory Holiday Traditions, Danni Thaw and Sameul Girven
Giving Thanks for Every Breath, Beverly Matiko
Rules of Engagement, Brad Hinman
The Story Does Not End There, Denis Kaiser
Wrestling with Prayer, Ingrid Weiss Slikkers
I Heard the Angels Say: 'There Is Hope!', Denis Kaiser
Reading Ellen White's Writings Like a Contemporary, Denis Kaiser
Should We Use Ellen White's Writings to Interpret the Bible?, Denis Kaiser
Surrendering the Mask, Jacob Elanko
When Your Workout is Worship, Rachel Keele
Identifying with Imperfect Pioneers, Denis Kaiser
Origins of Andrews University, Denis Kaiser
Talking to Children about Violence, Melissa Ponce-Rodas
Unexpected Inspirations, Marcel Mattox and Kamila Jolie Oster
We Hold the Future in Our Hands, Andrea Luxton
What Happens in Fifteen Minutes, Brad Hinman