

"There have been remarkable changes in causes of human diseases identified in the last 150 years. Following the discovery of antibiotics and their widespread adoption since mid-last century and other advances in the field of microbiology, the incidence of contagious diseases has declined. Now the world is facing the danger of epidemics of non-communicable diseases that are related to life-style choices. Societies have invited and experienced these diseases for a long time, but they are now ravaging our health. In the times when Ellen White wrote, she laid a firm foundation for maintenance of physical health by anchoring her advice to that of the Scriptures. She spoke about diet and the predisposition to disease when such ideas were not popular in society or medical circles. Her statements about cancer latency have been confirmed by modern science and we now know that diet can be a factor in cancer development. The sagacity of her early warnings against the use of foods invaded by microbes have been amply demonstrated by science, which has given some of the fungal toxins a category 1 rating as far as carcinogenicity is concerned. Her general advice to avoid the excess use of sugar, fats, blood (meat), fiery spices, and excess salt have been shown to be sound. The adoption of an ovo-lactovegetarian diet (or similar) and eating in moderation, will protected those who follow her advice against the diseases of this age—cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. While she knew little in terms of medical science, her advice has remained relevant while that of many of her contemporaries has faded into oblivion and sometimes disgrace."

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