Date of Award
Document Type
Project Report
Chemistry & Biochemistry
First Advisor
Lisa Ahlberg
HPLC methodology was developed to determine the concentrations and ratios of D to L amino acids in emu and ostrich eggshells treated with heat at different temperatures . We aimed to determine an internal standard and how ratios were affected under different conditions. An HPLC method was determined that gave consistent retention times and satisfactory enantioseparation . Calibration curves for each amino acid were developed from single and multi-amino acid containing dilution series producing a model that most closely replicates the eggshell-extracted amino acids.
Recommended Citation
Milkova, Gergana, "Analysis of DL-Amino Acid Ratios in Eggshells Using Reverse Phase-High Pressure Liquid Chromatography" (2019). Honors Theses. 205.
Subject Area
High performance liquid chromatography; Eggshells, Amino acids
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