Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Thesis


Chemistry & Biochemistry

First Advisor

Ryan T. Hayes

Second Advisor

Brian Y. Y. Wong


From the unexpected finding that cooked grains and meat substitutes elicit a mutagenic response in Salmonella typhimurium TA98, our work has been aimed at deconstructing this finding via a survey of heated binary amino acid combinations, involving arginine, a plant-based amino acid. secondly, our work has looked towards sing phytochemical extracts from traditional Chinese medicinal herbs to inhibit the mutagenic activity of heterocyclic amines (main culprit for mutagenicity in meat). Two fractions from the burned products of arginine and phenylalanine (RF-HCA-06 and -07) were statistically significant inducers of mutagenesis; Scutellaria barbata and Oldenlandia diffusa, both separately and together, were statistically significant inhibitors of PhIP-induced mutagenesis. Further fractionaton of the compounds and herbal extracts may lead to the discovery of the compound(s) responsible for inducing or inhibiting mutagenicity, respectively.

Subject Area

Mutagenicity testing; Salmonella typhimurium; Arginine; Scutellaria; Oldenlandia; Heterocylic amines; Herbs

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