The LIGO detectors are ultra-sensitive, making them susceptible to glitches from the noise that can block gravitational wave signals. In order to reduce the number of glitches that occur in the detector, the cause of the glitches must be found. I am researching the Helix glitch to try and determine its origin. This is accomplished by studying the times at which the glitch occurred in the detector and then looking for factors that may have caused a glitch to happen around the same time, to see if there are any correlations.
Department of Physics
Event Website
Start Date
3-26-2021 1:40 PM
End Date
3-26-2021 2:00 PM
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Determining the Origins of Helix Glitches in LIGO’s H1 Detector
The LIGO detectors are ultra-sensitive, making them susceptible to glitches from the noise that can block gravitational wave signals. In order to reduce the number of glitches that occur in the detector, the cause of the glitches must be found. I am researching the Helix glitch to try and determine its origin. This is accomplished by studying the times at which the glitch occurred in the detector and then looking for factors that may have caused a glitch to happen around the same time, to see if there are any correlations.
Advisor: Tiffany Z. Summerscales