P-27 Design of a Novel Isoxazoline Class Drug for the Suppressive Treatment of Malaria

Presenter Information

Peyton Ware


Design of a novel isoxazoline class drug for the suppressive treatment of erythrocytic malaria through the inhibition of Plasmodium Falciparum Gylceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase (PfGAPDH) gave rise to creation of a synthetic plan for the proposed target molecule, α-amino-3-bromo-4,5-dihydroisoxazol-5-yl propionic acid. A literature-based analysis of the moieties targeting the PfGADPH active site led to the design of the target molecule. Subsequently, an exploration of the literature yielded a possible bifold synthetic plan. Attempts at a model epoxidation reaction using mCPBA were shown to be successful using mass spectrometry. Further efforts towards the synthesis of a 3-bromoisoxazoline will be described.


J.N. Andrews Honors Scholar

Mentor: Lisa Ahlberg, Chemistry & Biochemistry

Start Date

2-28-2020 2:30 PM

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Feb 28th, 2:30 PM

P-27 Design of a Novel Isoxazoline Class Drug for the Suppressive Treatment of Malaria

Design of a novel isoxazoline class drug for the suppressive treatment of erythrocytic malaria through the inhibition of Plasmodium Falciparum Gylceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase (PfGAPDH) gave rise to creation of a synthetic plan for the proposed target molecule, α-amino-3-bromo-4,5-dihydroisoxazol-5-yl propionic acid. A literature-based analysis of the moieties targeting the PfGADPH active site led to the design of the target molecule. Subsequently, an exploration of the literature yielded a possible bifold synthetic plan. Attempts at a model epoxidation reaction using mCPBA were shown to be successful using mass spectrometry. Further efforts towards the synthesis of a 3-bromoisoxazoline will be described.