P-35 An Artistic Response to God’s Word
While reading through an illustrated children’s Bible some years ago, I realized that whole books and chapters had been omitted. The children’s Bible only included the scriptures that had stories with illustrations of concrete events. My goal for this project was to create works of art in response to scripture that were not part of a linear narrative. I focused on the more metaphorical verses, such as those found within the books of Psalms and Proverbs. Research included how artists have approached similar projects in the past and how symbols were used in early Christian art.
Buller Hall Lobby
Start Date
3-8-2019 2:30 PM
P-35 An Artistic Response to God’s Word
Buller Hall Lobby
While reading through an illustrated children’s Bible some years ago, I realized that whole books and chapters had been omitted. The children’s Bible only included the scriptures that had stories with illustrations of concrete events. My goal for this project was to create works of art in response to scripture that were not part of a linear narrative. I focused on the more metaphorical verses, such as those found within the books of Psalms and Proverbs. Research included how artists have approached similar projects in the past and how symbols were used in early Christian art.
Supervising Professor: Kari Friestad