P-51 An Involute and Evolute of a Rectifying Curve
The idea of involute is due to C. Huygens (1658), and he is also known for his work in optics. He found involutes while trying to build a more accurate clock. Now, the involute and evolute are well-known concepts to study space curves in 3D space. In this project, we are investigating rectifying curves using their partner curves, involute and evolute.
Buller Hall Lobby
Start Date
3-8-2019 2:30 PM
P-51 An Involute and Evolute of a Rectifying Curve
Buller Hall Lobby
The idea of involute is due to C. Huygens (1658), and he is also known for his work in optics. He found involutes while trying to build a more accurate clock. Now, the involute and evolute are well-known concepts to study space curves in 3D space. In this project, we are investigating rectifying curves using their partner curves, involute and evolute.
Supervising Professor: Yun Myung Oh