P-49 The Influence of Adventist University Experiences on Denominational Persistence
Seventh-day Adventists leave the church for various reasons. While researchers have investigated explanations for this exodus, few have investigated individuals’ denominational persistence. As this study uses a qualitative grounded theory research design, the purpose is to develop, not test, a theory to explain a person’s decision to remain Adventist. I conducted and/or assessed interviews with people who started university as Adventists, attended a North American Division university, and currently self-identify as a Seventh-day Adventist. I am in the process of analyzing these interviews with several types and rounds of coding to identify life experiences that contribute to denominational persistence.
Buller Hall
Start Date
2-26-2016 2:30 PM
End Date
2-26-2016 4:00 PM
P-49 The Influence of Adventist University Experiences on Denominational Persistence
Buller Hall
Seventh-day Adventists leave the church for various reasons. While researchers have investigated explanations for this exodus, few have investigated individuals’ denominational persistence. As this study uses a qualitative grounded theory research design, the purpose is to develop, not test, a theory to explain a person’s decision to remain Adventist. I conducted and/or assessed interviews with people who started university as Adventists, attended a North American Division university, and currently self-identify as a Seventh-day Adventist. I am in the process of analyzing these interviews with several types and rounds of coding to identify life experiences that contribute to denominational persistence.
Dr. Larry Burton