P-40 New Faculty Onboarding
Onboarding is the process an employee goes through when starting a new job to gain information about their institution and become acclimated to the environment. This action research seeks to discover how to improve the new faculty onboarding process at Andrews University. A proposal outline was created after review of literature and the current process. The proposal outline of an improved onboarding process was presented to a focus group for feedback. Once the outline was revised and official proposal was sent to new faculty participants of this research. Data is being collected and will be subject to analysis to answer the research question.
Buller Hall
Start Date
2-26-2016 2:30 PM
End Date
2-26-2016 4:00 PM
P-40 New Faculty Onboarding
Buller Hall
Onboarding is the process an employee goes through when starting a new job to gain information about their institution and become acclimated to the environment. This action research seeks to discover how to improve the new faculty onboarding process at Andrews University. A proposal outline was created after review of literature and the current process. The proposal outline of an improved onboarding process was presented to a focus group for feedback. Once the outline was revised and official proposal was sent to new faculty participants of this research. Data is being collected and will be subject to analysis to answer the research question.
Dr. Rachel Williams-Smith