Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Socrates Quispe



In the territory of the South American Division (SAD), the rate of rotation of leaders in the secretariat area is high, when compared with presidency and treasury. According to the corresponding minutes of the executive committees and constituency meetings of Unions and Fields of the SAD, during the period of 2015-2020, at the Field level, 39% of the changes corresponded to the secretariat, and, at the level of Union, this indicator rises to 47%. In addition to this, there is the challenging reality that the secretariat’s spectrum of action is wide and specialized, and consequently, different from the pastoral or departmental work. This leads to the need of an adequate process of training to those chosen to serve in this responsibility, as part of their development as leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.


The research method employed in the design of this project was a qualitative one. Under this perspective, a training program was drawn up and implemented with experiential focus, where it was sought to offer knowledge that is directly related to the experiences of the participants in the work environment. This program was organized in four weekly modules and developed in the month of February 2021, through e-Learning modality. Twenty-nine executive secretaries from the Unions and Fields of the SAD, who were chosen for this role between January 2020 and January 2021, participated in the program. Finally, the evaluation of the training program was conducted using the Learning Transfer System Inventory (LTSI) questionnaire, and the results obtained were analyzed.


A wide majority (82.6%) of the participants of the training program consider that the pedagogical resources and methods used are like those used in the work environment, which facilitated the learning process. On the other hand, 91.3% consider that the trainers used practical examples that facilitate the application of the contents to the work environment. Finally, it is worth noting that all the participants expressed their motivation and confidence to apply the training in their work and believe that it will increase their personal productivity and help them to do their current job better.


The evaluation’s results of the training program implemented in this thesis show that it was highly relevant and effective, due to its high connection with the issues that the participants experienced in their work environment and its contribution to productivity and work performance. Consequently, the program contributed to the development of the participants as leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Subject Area

Church management; Executives--Training of; General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. South American Division.


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