Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Walter B.T. Douglas

Second Advisor

Steven P. Vitrano

Third Advisor

James J. North Jr.



Substantial investments been made in the evangelization of Hindus in Trinidad, but have resulted in little success. The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Trinidad has not yet developed a well-defined approach to assist pastors and laity in evangelizing Hindus. The purpose of this study was to develop a biblically informed strategy of evangelism that can be used in designing appropriate evangelistic methods.


The New Testament and other selected literature have suggested a strategy and methods of evangelism that were used for evangelizing particular peoples or groups of people, and these might inform the mission of the Seventh- day Adventist Church in Trinidad to Hindus there. This project report has four sections: (1) a study of biblical and theological understanding of evangelism (2) a survey of Hinduism in Trinidad, (3) a survey of selected literature concerning principles for evangelizing Hindus, and (4) the development of an intentional, workable strategy and programs for evangelizing the Hindus of Trinidad.


The pastors and church members who attempt to evangelize Hindus of Trinidad need a definitive strategy so that evangelistic methods used intentionally. A study of Matt 28:18-20 reveals all disciples of Jesus are to evangelize everyone everywhere.

The response to this gospel commission recorded in the Acts of the Apostles reveals that the apostles: (1) moved from the less difficult to the more difficult situations; (2) surrendered to the ministry of the Holy Spirit; (3) went to wherever the people were; (4) appropriately contextualized their evangelistic methods; and (5) employed the people-movement approach to those with little or no exposure to the gospel. They made no attempt to customize Christianity.

Seventh-day Adventists in Trinidad, to effectively evangelize the Hindus there, need to: (1) develop a positive attitude towards cultures, and Hinduism; (2) use strategy for evangelizing the Hindus that provides the needed parameters for innovation and experimenting with a variety of methods; (3) encourage Seventh-day Adventist of East Indian descent to evangelize Hindus; and (4) observe the principles of indigenization and contextualization.

Subject Area

Christianity and other religions--Hinduism; Missions to Hindus--Trinidad and Tobago; Hinduism--Relations--Christianity


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