Professional Dissertations DMin
Date of Award
Document Type
Project Report
Degree Name
Doctor of Ministry
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
Doctor of Ministry DMin
First Advisor
Nancy J. Vyhmeister
Second Advisor
Prema Gaikwad
Third Advisor
Jon Dybdahl
The large number of non-Adventist youth who attend Seventh-day Adventist schools have a limited exposure to biblical teachings and, therefore, are unable to make a decision to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Bible study lessons were developed to provide youth with a more complete understanding of the Bible and lead them to take a decision for Christ. The lessons address issues relating to youth needs and topics that are common to the Hindu and Christian faiths. A survey questionnaire provided information about the needs, moral development, and Bible knowledge of the target group. A variety of teaching methods was used to present the Bible lessons. The evaluation survey revealed the opinions of the students about the implementation of the strategy and also furnished information that helped arrive at the conclusion and proposed recommendations.
The survey questionnaire revealed that the target group was interested in religious teaching and recognized the role of religion in their development. The youth felt that their family had the greatest influence on them and they regarded family unity of utmost priority. The evaluation survey revealed that the implementation of the strategy had positive results. The youth expressed satisfaction concerning the methods of teaching and wanted to continue the lessons. Some of the young people were contemplating baptism.
The following conclusions emerged from the study.
1. Adventist education can realize its goal if its role is refocused.
2. Youth can be led to make a decision for Christ if their exposure to biblical teachings is supplemented by Bible lessons outside the regular Bible classes.
3. While teaching youth, a variety of methods should be used, particularly those which allow participation.
4. Teaching religion to a mixed religious group enables youth to be open, tolerant, and respectful to other faiths.
Subject Area
Bible--Study and teaching--Seventh-day Adventists; Hindu youth--Religious life; Seventh-day Adventist secondary schools--India
Recommended Citation
Injety, Roy Jemison, "Developing Bible Lessons to Reach Hindu Youth" (1999). Professional Dissertations DMin. 670.
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