Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Skip Bell

Second Advisor

Etzer Obas

Third Advisor

David Penno



The General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (GC) has reduced funding in terms of the appropriation to the lower entities. The GC has encouraged all organizations to reduce debts and manage their income more effectively. This project was formulated to determine to what extent the North Katanga Field (NKF) can increase its tithes and manage its income adequately. From 1999 to 2003 tithe decreased in the NKF when at the same time it increased in the North-East Congo (NECAT) areas and these regions were compared.


Substantial written materials from specialists were used to find strategies for tithe growth. Interviews were used to analyze the influence of the Africa’s First World War (AFWW) on the church in Congo. Twenty Adventist members from the Kivu province, 100 from the Katanga province, and 20 Protestant church members in Kamina were interviewed with the same questionnaire.


The project identified factors affecting tithing among different populations during the same time period of the AFWW. The core factor is the spirituality of the leaders. An effective strategy for tithe growth in the Congo was developed to help the NKF in its stewardship. The strategy is in the conclusion below. The project provided a membership census for the union territory. As a result of the project tithe has increased and pastors’ salaries have increased.


The research concludes that the stewardship in NKF will be advanced by the following five steps: (a) consistent spiritual training applying good resource material, (b) continuing of auditing services for local churches, (c) membership growth in each church all over the territory, (d) a stewardship strategic plan for church employees, and (e) increasing workers’ salaries.

Subject Area

Christian stewardship; North Katanga Field of Seventh-day Adventists; Christian leadership

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