Professional Dissertations DMin
Date of Award
Document Type
Project Report
Degree Name
Doctor of Ministry
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
Doctor of Ministry DMin
First Advisor
Louis Venden
Second Advisor
Thomas Blincoe
Third Advisor
Donald Jacobsen
The project's, first task is to gain a view of the nature and purpose of preaching with special emphasis on the relationship of the Bible to preaching. Then it proceeds to survey- Seventh^-day Adventist preaching in Taiwan with respect to its strengths and weaknesses. And, finally, it makes an attempt to design materials for the teaching of preaching in Taiwan, keeping in mind the expressed needs and special situations confronted there.
Method and Organization of the Study
Chapter I is a theoretical study of a view of the nature and purpose of preaching based on an examination of the Bible and some current literature related to the subject.
Chapter II deals with a special emphasis on the place of the Bible in the sermon. It stresses that the pulpit is a place where the pure word of God and not the messages or concepts of men is to be preached. An attempt is made to answer questions such as: Why preach from the Bible? What is meant by Biblical preaching? What are the advantages of preaching from the Bible?
Chapter III is an endeavor to understand the preaching situation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Taiwan. In order to understand the Adventist preaching situation in Taiwan and its needs, a collection of twenty-two recorded sermons has been made. It is a current sampling of sermons preached in the local churches at the time of the regular Sabbath worship service by seventeen ministers in Taiwan. A careful analysis of the twenty-two sermons is made to determine how each sermon is related to the Bible, and how it adapts to the actual congregation and occasion.
Chapter IV introduces part of a syllabus on preaching which grew out of this study and which will be used in teaching a homiletics course at Taiwan Adventist College. The five lessons presented from the syllabus are related to biblical preaching.
Chapter V attempts to give an overall summary and some general conclusions based on the entire study.
Subject Area
Seventh-day Adventists--Sermons; Preaching
Recommended Citation
Lu, John Chun-Ming, "An Evaluation of Selected Seventh-day Adventist Sermons in Taiwan in the Light of Criteria for Biblical Teaching" (1977). Professional Dissertations DMin. 629.
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