Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

R. Clifford Jones

Second Advisor

Nancy Vyhmeister

Third Advisor

Walter Douglas



Despite the benefits that the English Social Security provides, many individuals fall out of the safety net into abject poverty. Every night hundreds of individuals sleep rough. Exposed to the elements, these people are in need of food and a permanent place. The Seventh-day Adventist Church in North London is not providing an adequate ministry to meet the physical and spiritual needs of these people. This dissertation sets out to develop a strategy for ministry to the physical and spiritual needs of those who "sleep rough" in North London.

Method This study looks at various aspects relating to homelessness, looks at causes of homelessness, explores conditions faced by a specific class of homeless in North London (those who sleep on the street), and suggests a ministry to those who sleep on the street. It looks at a biblical rationale for ministry to the poor. The biblical evidence which was examined suggests that: (1) God is concerned about those who are oppressed; (2) God made provision for the poor through the Law of Release; (3) humankind will be judged based on how they relate to those who are in need; (4) Jesus' ministry demonstrates that the Jubilee was time for liberation. The study also looks at Ellen White's teaching on the poor. A strategy was constructed to address specific needs of those who sleep on the street. Among these needs are the need for food, the need for warm clothing, and the need for an address.


People who sleep on the street of North London have many problems. For example, the lack of a permanent address, the need for food and medical care. There is an urgent need to address conditions faced by those who sleep on the street. While this study should not be considered to be conclusive, it is hoped that the strategy will actively demonstrate Christ's exemplary ministry to those who are in need.

Subject Area

Church with the homeless--London; Homeless persons--London

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