Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Barry Gane

Second Advisor

Jerry Moon

Third Advisor

Robert Johnston



Since the ministries of Korean-American churches have focused mainly on the first generation, little relevant ministry to second- and third-generation Korean-Americans has been developed. The youth have been ignored by the church leadership. Consequently there has been a need to encourage the spiritual developmental stage of youth leadership, to clarify worship and relationships, and to design an effective youth ministry for the SDA Korean-American church.


The task of this dissertation was to discover biblical principles and guidelines for the development of effective and relevant youth ministries for Korean-American Seventh-day Adventist churches. In order to meet this aim, Scripture was searched for biblical and theological foundation on youth and its ministry. The problematic aspects of the Korean immigrant church and its youth ministry were examined in the context of the discrepancies between first- and-second generation members. Some solutions for developing the desired youth-ministry strategies for SDA Korean churches were found in the recognition of incamational, contextualizational, and relational principles. Lastly, these principles were applied in the areas of leadership, worship, and relationship concerns. Suggestions are provided for youth leaders to use in developing their own local ministries.


The findings are summarized concerning incamational, contextualizational, and relational ministries. In such findings, an effective youth ministry for the Korean- American church, including principles and guidelines, could be developed. Jesus’ incamational ministry model gives youth ministers an insight into the nature, purpose, and strategy of youth ministry. Effective youth ministry must be communicated, understood, and received by the youth. Youth programs need to suit the developmental stages of their spiritual maturity. The most critical issues the present and future Korean-American church must deal with are the use of contextualization and relevancy in youth ministry that carry true meaning to the second and third generations. Life-changing experiences of youth occur in the context of loving relationships. No other method, technique, or program can take the place of relational ministry.


An effective youth ministry for Korean-American churches was presented in the areas of leadership, worship, and relationship concerns. The relationship and commitment of the leaders to experience with youth a servant leadership are what really matters. Korean-American youth could reach the life-changing experience of the gospel only through English-speaking ministries. Youth ministry does not consist of a set of ideas about the ministry, but a relationship with persons in Christ. A long-term investment in building relationships is part of effective youth ministry. Thus, several threads of commonality such as servant leadership, contextualized worship services, and relationship- based programs could be found.

Subject Area

Seventh-day Adventists, Korean--United States; Church work with Korean Americans; Church work with youth--Seventh-day Adventists

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