Professional Dissertations DMin
Date of Award
Document Type
Project Report
Degree Name
Doctor of Ministry
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
Doctor of Ministry DMin
First Advisor
Jon L. Dybdahl
Second Advisor
Janice Watson
Third Advisor
Erich Baumgartner
There is a need for an indigenous, contextualized evangelistic magazine designed specifically for the people of Zimbabwe. This dissertation looks at previous and current magazine enterprises in order to outline the implementation of a successful, self-supporting SDA magazine in Zimbabwe. The responsibilities of the editor-publisher, writers, and marketers are examined in relation to the target audience. Information on writer training is outlined in detail. Books and magazine articles on the topic of magazine publishing provided the primary source of information. Current and former magazine editors were also interviewed to provide a first-person look at the magazine industry. In order to be successful, the proposed magazine will need to contextualize, assign multiple roles to each member of the staff, and begin on a small scale. Also, in keeping with the example provided by James and Ellen White, the magazine project should be implemented immediately without waiting for "sufficient" resources; instead, faith must be placed in God to protect and provide for the magazine in its mission of evangelism.
Subject Area
Seventh-day Adventists--Zimbabwe; Evangelistic work--Seventh-day Adventists--Zimbabwe; Periodicals, Publishing--Zimbabwe
Recommended Citation
Musvosvi, Jonathan, "A Plan To Start a Self-Suporting Evangelistic Magazine in Zimbabwe" (2002). Professional Dissertations DMin. 588.
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