Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Werner K. Vyhmeister

Second Advisor

Nancy Jean Vyhmeister

Third Advisor

Ricardo Norton


The Bible presents several types of anointing, each with a different meaning. Kings were anointed when they were enthroned. Prophets and priests were anointed to indicate consecration and sanctification. Other kinds of anointing were for cosmetic or medicinal purposes. Finally, the anointing of the sick is mentioned. This dissertation deals with the practice of anointing, as recommended by the apostle James (Jas. 5:14), believers who were going through physical or spiritual affliction. Generations following the disciples of Jesus gave a very special meaning to anointing, associating it with prayer and miraculous cures (Mark 6:13).

One chapter is taken up by a detailed exegesis of Jas. 5:14. The afflicted one, whether physically or spiritually, must call for the elder, who represents the church. The blessing or healing comes in response to the person’s faith and consecration to God. Another chapter gives a brief historical overview of anointing in three branches of Christianity. The Catholic Church considers anointing to be a sacrament that confers special grace. The virtue of the anointing is in the oil, which has been blessed by the church and is considered effective to heal illness and provide salvation. In the Protestant world, anointing takes place often, but not much has been written on the topic. There is far more emphasis on the laying of hands and prayer for the sick. In the Seventh-day Adventist Church anointing is common. It is part of the spiritual leadership duties of pastors and elders.

One hundred pastors and one hundred elders were surveyed regarding anointing. These surveys and several interviews showed that there are differences of opinion regarding the meaning and practice of anointing. On the basis on the research, a workshop for pastors and elders was prepared. Such teaching should help to clarify and unify the thinking of church leaders regarding the meaning and practice of anointing. In addition, a pamphlet was prepared to help church members understand this important rite of consecration.

Subject Area

Bible. James 5:14--Criticism, interpretation, etc., Healing--Religious aspects; Unction

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