"A Model of Forgiveness: Development and Implementation at the Bellevil" by Sereivudh Ly

Professional Dissertations DMin

A Model of Forgiveness: Development and Implementation at the Belleville Seventh-day Adventist Church, Ontario, Canada

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Jon Dybdahl

Second Advisor

Bruce L. Bauer

Third Advisor

Richard Sylvester



In the Belleville Seventh-day Adventist Church, many attendees have incorrect views about forgiveness that have created many personal and relational problems inside and outside the church. Thus, the church needs a biblical and practical model of forgiveness. The model was developed from biblical-theological and psychological research done on the concepts of forgiveness and will demonstrate Christ-like love and heal their damaged emotions.


The task of this project is to develop and implement a model of forgiveness that will present to seminar participants a biblical concept of forgiveness and how to forgive. Consequently, the participants will gain knowledge of a true biblical concept of forgiveness and, ultimately through coaching and practicing the concept of forgiveness, a healing process may begin in their lives. Twenty Seventh-day Adventist adults over 18 years old of the Belleville Seventh- day Adventist Church, Ontario, Canada participated in the study through the five sessions of a ten-hour seminar, and also participated in a three-month coaching by the researcher. Exposure to the model of forgiveness came through a seminar including small group lectures, group interactions, printed material, and personal assignments.


Surveys confirmed the effectiveness of the model in helping participants experience progress in giving forgiveness to their opponents. The surveys also provided evidence of the model’s success in correcting participants’ erroneous views and misconceptions about forgiveness.


The seminar was successful to a certain degree of the goal of this project which was to change the members from holding an incorrect view of forgiveness to a correct biblical view. A significant difference in the understanding of forgiveness was shown among the participants at the end of the project; especially the inaccurate view of forgiveness was somewhat corrected. Consequently, this research project offered additional insights into the use of forgiveness in the joyous experience of salvation.

Subject Area

Forgiveness--Religious aspects; Forgiveness of sin; Belleville Seventh-day Adventist Church (Ontario, Canada)

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