Professional Dissertations DMin
Establecimiento de Una Escuela de Capacitación Laica en la Iglesia de la Universidad de Montemorelos
Date of Award
Document Type
Project Report
Degree Name
Doctor of Ministry
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
Doctor of Ministry DMin
First Advisor
Ricardo Norton
Second Advisor
Werner K. Vyhmeister
Third Advisor
Nancy Jean Vyhmeister
The Seventh-day Adventist Church has accepted the command to take the gospel to every nation, tribe, race, and tongue. As part of its strategy to accomplish this mission, the church supports colleges and universities where Christian professionals are prepared so that when they graduate they may join the evangelistic work commanded by God. Montemorelos University is a part of the Adventist educational system. The purpose of this thesis is to provide the design and describe the process of establishing at the university church a lay training school where students may receive a preparation that will enable them to work as lay leaders in local churches, and as missionaries engaged in sharing their faith as they go out from this Adventist university.
The challenge to participate in the evangelistic mission of the Seventh-day Adventist world church and to provide preparation for future lay leaders and for lay missionaries was presented to the Montemorelos University Church board. The different department directors of the university church were asked to offer courses that could accomplish this objective, and to provide opportunities so that the students could participate in leadership tasks. Adventist students were invited to attend the training seminars that were programed and to get involved in some type of church work.
Hundreds of students expressed their desire to offer their talents to God's service and his church. The different department directors of the university church offered opportunities to the students to assist in each department. Different seminars were offered in the school year 2001-2002 to prepare lay and missionary leaders. This lay training school has helped Montemorelos University to accomplish its evangelistic mission. The students from this institution are receiving special training in addition to their professional studies that may allow them to join the lay leadership in local congregations and to share their faith. This lay training school model may also be used in other Adventist colleges and universities.
Subject Area
Laity--Training of; Montemorelos University Church (Mexico); Seventh-day Adventists--Mexico; Lay ministry--Seventh-day Adventists--Mexico
Recommended Citation
Velasquez, Jose Omar, "Establecimiento de Una Escuela de Capacitación Laica en la Iglesia de la Universidad de Montemorelos" (2002). Professional Dissertations DMin. 539.
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