Professional Dissertations DMin

Date of Award


Document Type

Project Report

Degree Name

Doctor of Ministry


Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary


Doctor of Ministry DMin

First Advisor

Zebron Ncube

Second Advisor

Jeanette Bryson

Third Advisor

Richard Sylvester



The task of this project dissertation is to develop a leadership model for initiating and effecting change in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Zambia.


The purpose of this project dissertation is to develop a leadership model for the successful initiation and effecting of change in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Zambia. Strategies will be developed that will help pastors and lay leaders facilitate the successful initiation of change.


The research method I chose to use in this dissertation is theoretical. Extracting information from what other scholars have written on change and the change process will be presented in the Zambian context. This method considers current and relevant information from books, articles, journals, online data, and available data from the Zambia Union Conference. The process will include the following: 1. A theological reflection on initiating change will center on three biblical themes including (a) the Joseph and Moses methods of initiating change; (b) Jesus, Peter, and Paul initiating change across racial barriers; and (c) initiating change as understood in the writings of Ellen G. White. 2. A current review of literature contributes to a successful initiation of change. This will include anthropological literature on Zambian culture, which will help pastors and elders when initiating change. 3.1 will discuss an analysis of leadership and church growth in Zambia. I will discuss the development of intervention tools and strategies for initiating change.


Both the Old and New Testaments provide leaders who exemplified leadership qualities that help pastors and lay leaders when initiating change. Change is inevitable because communities, governments, and businesses are changing. The church is not static but changes over time. Culture plays a critical role when initiating change. Formulating of strategies and skills to enable the twenty-first century pastor and lay leader to initiate successful change.

Subject Area

Christian leadership--Zambia--Seventh-day Adventists; Church management--Zambia; Seventh-day Adventists--Zambia

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