Professional Dissertations DMin
Date of Award
Document Type
Project Report
Degree Name
Doctor of Ministry
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary
Doctor of Ministry DMin
First Advisor
Arnold Kurtz
Second Advisor
Werner Vyhmeister
Third Advisor
Walter B.T. Douglas
In the territory of the Inca Union, served by Inca Union College, the Seventh-day Adventist church is experiencing accelerated growth. Since there is a shortage of pastors, it is usually expected of the graduates that they assume the pastorate of a church without the necessary time for an internship year. For this reason the theological education program of Inca Union College was readjusted in 1973 to provide more practical and experiential training to theology students. This study is an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of the pastoral field-education program as it has been conducted from 1974 to 1977.
To develop criteria to do the analysis and evaluation, current ideas on theological education were researched in order to discover the importance given to field work as a means of education. Then the Holy Scriptures were researched to find the process of training the twelve disciples. The writings of Ellen G. White were also examined to find her ideas on ministerial education. The findings provided the necessary criteria to deal with a pastoral field-education program. Guided by this criteria a questionnaire was prepared for a survey of 1974-1977 theology graduates and of their respective supervisors to find how well prepared the graduates are to perform their ministerial functions.
The analysis and evaluation of the objectives and of the methods of pastoral field-education program at Inca Union College indicates agreement with the criteria previously established. The survey shows that in the areas of pastoral ministry, counseling,and personal preparation the graduates seem to be well prepared. In the areas of leadership and evangelism preparation appears to be weak.
Subject Area
Clergy--Training of; Inca Union College
Recommended Citation
Huayllara, Julio Diomedes, "An Analysis And Evaluation Of The Program Of Pastoral Field Education In The Inca Union Seventh-Day Adventist College Against Selected Criteria On Ministerial Functions" (1979). Professional Dissertations DMin. 298.
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