180 Symposium Publications

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After secondary school many young people move away from home for higher education. A number of these have difficulty finding and adjusting to a new church while their parents are miles away. Absence of parental presence and guidance, and absence of mentorship from their faith communities cause these adolescents to make more decisions of their own, which are frequently influenced by their peers more than anyone else. When introduced to a new and often very secular environment, many university students find challenges in keeping their Christian identity and their religious lifestyle. Sadly, many leave home as believers, but go through an identity crisis at school and return as unbelievers at the end of their university experience. A lack of ministry presence on a secular campus makes it even harder for university students to keep their faith and practice their religious beliefs. To keep university students in the church, a nurturing environment would include the following three “C’s” of campus ministry: Church, Community, and Campus.

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Book Title

Reach the Campus, Reach the World


Steve Case


Advent Source


Lincoln, NE


The 180° Symposium




Posted with permission, Center for Youth Evangelism at Andrews University



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