180 Symposium Publications


Ron Pickell

Document Type

Contribution to Book

Publication Date



The Seventh-day Adventist Church stands poised before a great mission field opportunity to reach today’s college campuses. We have a clear mission field – the campus closest to the nearest local Adventist church. We have a clear mandate in the stated mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church: “To proclaim to all peoples the everlasting gospel.…” We also have potential missionaries on those campuses in the estimated 50,000 Adventist students enrolled there. In addition, we also have an organizational structure in the NAD Youth/Young Adult Department (ACF/NAD), which is ready to move forward to develop resources and provide networking, training, and leadership to accomplish the task. Church administration and leadership have offered meager resources for students on the front lines of a great mission endeavor. Bold and visionary leadership can make the difference. Like the religious leadership in Jesus’ day, current church leaders hold the keys of power to support new ministry opportunities or maintain current efforts. We need bolder support of Adventist ministry on today’s campuses. There are important steps we can and must take to support the witness of the majority of Adventist students already out there on the front lines.

First Page


Last Page


Book Title

Reach the Campus, Reach the World


Steve Case


Advent Source


Lincoln, NE


The 180° Symposium




Posted with permission, Center for Youth Evangelism at Andrews University



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