180 Symposium Publications

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Social networking provides a high impact and efficient ministry to the moveable generation. Through social networks such as Facebook, ministry from a pastoral perspective can become more authentic and meaningful. A young person’s digital identity often reflects one’s faith due to increased openness. A minister can engage in a non-hierarchical manner. Prayer and bible study as well as pastoral care through social networking occur as relationships deepen via social networking and making people real. Spiritual and religious views are freely shared, creating sacred spaces in the midst of life practicing a holistic faith identity in a secular community. Contacts can be maintained with those who move from a local church to a new environment such as college or entering the work force away from one’s childhood roots. The asynchronous nature of communication within social networking and the practice of engaging with many individuals simultaneously eases the minister in her work. Therefore social networking not only increases the quality of the work, but also empowers the minister to be more efficient.

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Book Title

Reach the Campus, Reach the World


Steve Case


Advent Source


Lincoln, NE


The 180° Symposium




Posted with permission, Center for Youth Evangelism at Andrews University



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