180 Symposium Publications


David Achala

Document Type

Contribution to Book

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While many Seventh-day Adventist students attend church-sponsored schools and universities, much larger numbers enroll at public high schools and universities. Often public school students withdraw and eventually disassociate themselves from a local church. In the campus environment, many students see only two options: either they feel they have to withdraw from the campus and its culture in order to follow Jesus, or they feel like they have to conform to the culture and forsake their faith. Thankfully, there’s a third option—to follow Christ in culture. In order for this to happen, the student must both understand the campus culture and adhere to a biblical worldview. This will enable students to not only survive, but to thrive and affect their campuses for Jesus. Through first-hand experiences, interviews and observations, this tool will help pastors, parents and campus-ministry leaders effectively disciple the students in their care by addressing issues such as Biblical Worldview, Sabbath and Servanthood as ways to empower students to reach their campuses. Students can follow Jesus in the culture of the public campus and affect it for God’s glory.

First Page


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Book Title

Reach the Campus, Reach the World


Steve Case


Advent Source


Lincoln, NE


The 180° Symposium




Posted with permission, Center for Youth Evangelism at Andrews University



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