P-38 Some Characterizations of Involute Curves in Euclidean and Minkowski 3-Space

Presenter Status

Student, Physics

Second Presenter Status

Professor, Mathematics

Preferred Session

Poster Session


Buller Hall Hallways

Start Date

21-10-2022 2:00 PM

End Date

21-10-2022 3:00 PM

Presentation Abstract

The involute of a space curve is a curve whose tangent vector is orthogonal to the tangent vector of another curve. In this work, we are interested in constructing a framework to further study the involute of curves in Euclidean and Minkowski three-space. Our framework relies on the curvature and ratio of torsion-to-curvature of a curve to study the involute. In classical differential geometry, a space curve is described by its curvature and torsion, and the ratio of torsion-to-curvature is an approach to classify curves. Using the ratio of torsion-to-curvature instead of the torsion is a more intuitive approach because it shows the dependence of the involute’s Frenet-Serret apparatus on the nature of the original curve. We provide new insights on the involute of slant helices through our framework and provide future directions for our work.


Fall 2022 Undergraduate Research Scholar Award

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Oct 21st, 2:00 PM Oct 21st, 3:00 PM

P-38 Some Characterizations of Involute Curves in Euclidean and Minkowski 3-Space

Buller Hall Hallways

The involute of a space curve is a curve whose tangent vector is orthogonal to the tangent vector of another curve. In this work, we are interested in constructing a framework to further study the involute of curves in Euclidean and Minkowski three-space. Our framework relies on the curvature and ratio of torsion-to-curvature of a curve to study the involute. In classical differential geometry, a space curve is described by its curvature and torsion, and the ratio of torsion-to-curvature is an approach to classify curves. Using the ratio of torsion-to-curvature instead of the torsion is a more intuitive approach because it shows the dependence of the involute’s Frenet-Serret apparatus on the nature of the original curve. We provide new insights on the involute of slant helices through our framework and provide future directions for our work.