P-11 A Map Seeking Circuit Approach to Approximating Field-line Curves in the Magnetosphere

Presenter Status

Student, Engineering

Second Presenter Status

Professor of Engineering, Engineering

Third Presenter Status

Student, Physics

Preferred Session

Poster Session

Start Date

25-10-2019 2:00 PM

Presentation Abstract

Using electron beam accelerators attached to satellites in Earth orbit, it may be possible to measure arc length and curvature of field-lines in the inner magnetosphere if the accelerator is designed with the capability to vary the beam energy. In combination with additional information, these measurements would be very useful in modeling the magnetic field of the inner magnetosphere. We have developed a method to approximate field lines based on a map seeking circuit algorithm that constructs a probability distribution for paths having a fixed length between two points given a set of observational constraints. Data gathered from firing an electron beam from space provides the initial and final points in space for this algorithm to run. The time required for the beam to reach earth constrains the length of the field line.

The field-line curve can be further constrained by assuming a prior based on an existing field line model, which could be an empirical model based on average observations or a theoretical model that satisfies the equilibrium condition. This constraint will bias field lines that are "closer" to the prior so that field lines are selected that prefer a path that deviates the least from the selected field line. This path provides an approximation to the field line curve that can serve as a foundation to improve the underlying model.

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Oct 25th, 2:00 PM

P-11 A Map Seeking Circuit Approach to Approximating Field-line Curves in the Magnetosphere

Using electron beam accelerators attached to satellites in Earth orbit, it may be possible to measure arc length and curvature of field-lines in the inner magnetosphere if the accelerator is designed with the capability to vary the beam energy. In combination with additional information, these measurements would be very useful in modeling the magnetic field of the inner magnetosphere. We have developed a method to approximate field lines based on a map seeking circuit algorithm that constructs a probability distribution for paths having a fixed length between two points given a set of observational constraints. Data gathered from firing an electron beam from space provides the initial and final points in space for this algorithm to run. The time required for the beam to reach earth constrains the length of the field line.

The field-line curve can be further constrained by assuming a prior based on an existing field line model, which could be an empirical model based on average observations or a theoretical model that satisfies the equilibrium condition. This constraint will bias field lines that are "closer" to the prior so that field lines are selected that prefer a path that deviates the least from the selected field line. This path provides an approximation to the field line curve that can serve as a foundation to improve the underlying model.