B-2 Environmental Health Landscape of Berrien County: A Multi-media Analysis

Presenter Status

Chair, School of Population Health, Nutrition & Wellness

Second Presenter Status

Faculty, School of Population Health, Nutrition & Wellness

Preferred Session

Oral Session

Start Date

25-10-2019 3:00 PM

Presentation Abstract

Understanding the connection of the environment to health is a critical pathway to begin addressing health disparities and poor health outcomes in communities. This study investigates the environmental determinants of health for a community health needs assessment for Berrien County, Michigan.

We examined environmental contaminants in land, air, and water to gain an understanding into the types of contaminants that are released or are present at sites throughout the county. We assessed sources of information for potentially contaminated sites on land in these categories: 1) Toxic Releases, 2) Environmentally-impacted Sites (Land Reuse Sites), 3) Berrien County Brownfields, and 4) Underground and Above-ground Storage Tanks. There are 18 toxic release facilities in Berrien County. The on-site and off-site disposal or other releases in Berrien County total 145,400 pounds. While 0 pounds of releases were reported on land, 36,700 pounds of on-site releases to air and 67,500 thousand pounds of on-site releases to water were reported in 2017 (United States Environmental Protection Agency). The off-site releases totaled 41,200 pounds. Michigan is ranked 18 out of 56 states/territories nationwide based on total releases per square mile. In addition, we created GIS maps overlaid with all-cause mortality data. Zip codes surrounding the Benton harbor area seem to have the highest number of contaminated sites and high mortality rates. Further studies are need to investigate the relationships between toxic release sites and mortality rates.


Laurel BermanPh.D., MS & Motria Caudill, Ph.D., MS (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry)


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EPA. (2019c). Michigan Nonattainment/Maintenance Status for Each County by Year for All Criteria Pollutants. Retrieved from: https://www3.epa.gov/airquality/greenbook/anayo_mi.html

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EPA. (2019f). Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) Model. Retrieved from: https://www.epa.gov/rsei.

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MDEQ. (2017). 2016 Annual Air Quality Report. Retrieved from: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/deq/deq-aqd-amu-2016_Annual_Air_Quality_Report_579259

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). (2018). Michigan NAAQS Attainment Status Map. Retrieved from: https://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3310_70940_31129---,00.html

Michigan Department of Environment, Great lakes, and Energy (MI-EGLE). 2019a. A Monitoring Overview. Retrieved from: https://www.michigan.gov/egle/0,9429,7-135-3313_3681_3686_3728-32609--,00.html

MDEQ. (2019a). Action! Days. Retrieved from: http://www.deqmiair.org/actionday.cfm#actionDay2018

MI-EGLE. (2019b). Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). Retrieved from: https://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3313_3681_3686_3728-12464--,00.html

MI-EGLE. (2019c). Statewide Testing Initiative. Retrieved from: https://www.michigan.gov/pfasresponse/0,9038,7-365-86510_87918-464299--,00.html

MDHHS. (2019). Eat safe fish guides. Retrieved from: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-71548_54783_54784_54785_58671-296074--,00.html

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). (2018). Cancer Statistics. Retrieved from: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-73970_2944_5323---,00.html.

State of Michigan. (2019). Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Storage Tank Division. Retreived from: https://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-89334_42271_4115---,00.html.

U.S. Census. (2019). Quick Facts. Retreived from: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045218/

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2019). Cleanups in My Community. Retrieved from: https://www.epa.gov/cleanups/cleanups-my-community

United States Geological Survey (USGS). (n.d.-a). Water Quality Portal. Retrieved from: https://www.waterqualitydata.us/

USGS. (n.d.-b). Water Quality Portal National Results Coverage. Retrieved from: https://www.waterqualitydata.us/coverage/

U.S. Government Accountabliity Office. (2005). Economic Development Administration: Remediation Activiteies Account for a Small Percentage of Total Brownfield Grant Funding. Retrieved from: https://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-06-7.

WHO (2016). Annette Prüss-Üstün, J Wolf, C Corvalán, R Bos and M Neira. Preventing disease through healthy environments: a global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental risks. Available: shttps://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/204585/9789241565196_eng.pdf;jsessionid=348903237DB6197A0CEFB04333A5DFF8?sequence=1

Berrien County Hazard Mitigation Plan (2012). Retrieved from: https://www.berriencounty.org/DocumentCenter/View/5877/Berrien-County-Hazard-Mitigation-Plan

SW Michigan: The states original fruit belt. (2010). Leader Publications. Retrieved from: https://www.leaderpub.com/2010/07/25/sw-michigan-the-states-original-fruit-belt/

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Cleanups in my community Brownfields https://www.epa.gov/cleanups/cleanups-my-community Brownfields mapper Contaminants; https://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3311_29262---,00.html

Environmental mapper for Brownfields in Michigan –MDEQ search


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Michigan Department of Environmental, Great Lakes, and Energy (MDEQ)> Drinking water

EPA Envirofacts, Safe Drinking water Information System, retrieved from:


Berrien County, Drinking water system: Searched County >Berrien City> Benton Harbor


[WHO] World Health Organization. 2006. WHO Air quality guidelines for particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Global update 2005. Available at: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/69477/WHO_SDE_PHE_OEH_06.02_eng.pdf;jsessionid=0823064AC85E1207E6B8913C76EAF9E4?sequence=1

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Berrien County Cancer statistics 2013-2015 https://www.mdch.state.mi.us/osr/cancer/Race/CountyLst.asp

Deaths Due to Cancer by County of Residence, State of Michigan, Michigan Counties, and Detroit City, 1980 – 2017 https://www.mdch.state.mi.us/osr/deaths/CancerNoTrends.aspby

Mortality by Township in Berrien County https://www.mdch.state.mi.us/osr/CHI/Deaths/FRAME.ASP

Benton Harbor city website (for water contamination). www.bhcity.us

Berrien County Health department www.bchdmi.org

The Price of Pollution, Ecology Center and Michigan’s network for Children’s environmental Health 2010, Costs of lead exposure and remediation in Michigan: update of 2014

NETROnline. (2019). Michigan Federal Brownfield site locations. Retrieved from: http://environment.netronline.com/state/MI/acres/

University of Michigan Risk Science Center (MNCEH) and Michigan Network for Children’s Environmental Health (MNCEH) (2014). “Economic Impacts of Lead Exposure and Remediation in Michigan.” Available at: https://www.ecocenter.org/sites/default/files/Lead_Cost_Report_MI_2014_smaller.pdf.Accessed on2 Feb 2016.

Zhang, N., Baker H., Tufts, M., Raymond, MS. et al (2013). Early Childhood Lead Exposure and Academic Achievement: Evidence from Detroit Public Schools, 2008-­‐2010.

TRI data where you live. https://www.epa.gov/trinationalanalysis/where-you-live-2016-tri-national-analysis

This document is currently not available here.


Oct 25th, 3:00 PM

B-2 Environmental Health Landscape of Berrien County: A Multi-media Analysis

Understanding the connection of the environment to health is a critical pathway to begin addressing health disparities and poor health outcomes in communities. This study investigates the environmental determinants of health for a community health needs assessment for Berrien County, Michigan.

We examined environmental contaminants in land, air, and water to gain an understanding into the types of contaminants that are released or are present at sites throughout the county. We assessed sources of information for potentially contaminated sites on land in these categories: 1) Toxic Releases, 2) Environmentally-impacted Sites (Land Reuse Sites), 3) Berrien County Brownfields, and 4) Underground and Above-ground Storage Tanks. There are 18 toxic release facilities in Berrien County. The on-site and off-site disposal or other releases in Berrien County total 145,400 pounds. While 0 pounds of releases were reported on land, 36,700 pounds of on-site releases to air and 67,500 thousand pounds of on-site releases to water were reported in 2017 (United States Environmental Protection Agency). The off-site releases totaled 41,200 pounds. Michigan is ranked 18 out of 56 states/territories nationwide based on total releases per square mile. In addition, we created GIS maps overlaid with all-cause mortality data. Zip codes surrounding the Benton harbor area seem to have the highest number of contaminated sites and high mortality rates. Further studies are need to investigate the relationships between toxic release sites and mortality rates.