P-29 Preparing to Test the Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Inositol Levels and ISYNA & IMPA1 Gene Expression in Mammalian Cells

Presenter Status

Graduate Student, Biology

Second Presenter Status

Professor, Biology

Preferred Session

Poster Session

Start Date

26-10-2018 2:00 PM

End Date

26-10-2018 3:00 PM

Presentation Abstract

Characterized by a manic phase and a depressive phase, Bipolar Disorder affects many individuals around the globe. Current pharmaceutical therapies for Bipolar Disorder, valproate and lithium ions, target the phosphatidylinositol 2nd messenger system and the inositol biosynthetic pathway in brain cells. In clinical trials, the omega-3-fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), have also been shown to help reduce symptoms of the depressive phase, with little to no known side effects. It is not well understood how these omega-3 fatty acids reduce depression symptoms. However, studies conducted by Murray and colleagues indicate that omega-3 fatty acids target proteins within the inositol biosynthetic pathway - including proteins encoded for by the IMPA1 and ISYNA genes. The aim of this study is to compare expression of the IMPA1 and ISYNA genes and the effects of DHA and EPA on the expression of these genes in cells obtained from individuals with and without bipolar disorder. IMPA1 and ISYNA, each play important roles in the synthesis of inositol. To determine the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on gene expression in cells obtained from individuals with and without bipolar disorder, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) will be used to quantify and compare the mRNA of the IMPA1 and ISYNA genes from cells obtained from individuals without bipolar disorder and cells obtained from individuals with bipolar disorder grown in the presence of DHA and EPA.


Graduate Student Grant in Aid of Research

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Oct 26th, 2:00 PM Oct 26th, 3:00 PM

P-29 Preparing to Test the Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Inositol Levels and ISYNA & IMPA1 Gene Expression in Mammalian Cells

Characterized by a manic phase and a depressive phase, Bipolar Disorder affects many individuals around the globe. Current pharmaceutical therapies for Bipolar Disorder, valproate and lithium ions, target the phosphatidylinositol 2nd messenger system and the inositol biosynthetic pathway in brain cells. In clinical trials, the omega-3-fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), have also been shown to help reduce symptoms of the depressive phase, with little to no known side effects. It is not well understood how these omega-3 fatty acids reduce depression symptoms. However, studies conducted by Murray and colleagues indicate that omega-3 fatty acids target proteins within the inositol biosynthetic pathway - including proteins encoded for by the IMPA1 and ISYNA genes. The aim of this study is to compare expression of the IMPA1 and ISYNA genes and the effects of DHA and EPA on the expression of these genes in cells obtained from individuals with and without bipolar disorder. IMPA1 and ISYNA, each play important roles in the synthesis of inositol. To determine the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on gene expression in cells obtained from individuals with and without bipolar disorder, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) will be used to quantify and compare the mRNA of the IMPA1 and ISYNA genes from cells obtained from individuals without bipolar disorder and cells obtained from individuals with bipolar disorder grown in the presence of DHA and EPA.