P-20 The Stabilization of Aqueous Ascorbic Acid Solutions using PAMAM Dendrimers
Presenter Status
Honors Biochemistry Student, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Second Presenter Status
Professor of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Third Presenter Status
Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Preferred Session
Poster Session
Buller Hall
Start Date
3-11-2017 2:00 PM
End Date
3-11-2017 3:00 PM
Presentation Abstract
Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, is an effective antioxidant and an essential human enzymatic cofactor. However, it is unstable when isolated in aqueous solutions and readily degrades upon exposure to air and ultraviolet light. PAMAM (polyamidoamine) dendrimers were evaluated to stabilize dilute aqueous solutions of ascorbic acid. UV-Vis absorbance spectroscopy was used to measure the degradation and stabilization over four hours with various dendrimers and varying pH values. Our data shows that PAMAM dendrimers can significantly decrease the rate of degradation, especially near physiological pH. These results demonstrate dendrimers as a technology for stabilizing reactive organic molecules.
P-20 The Stabilization of Aqueous Ascorbic Acid Solutions using PAMAM Dendrimers
Buller Hall
Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, is an effective antioxidant and an essential human enzymatic cofactor. However, it is unstable when isolated in aqueous solutions and readily degrades upon exposure to air and ultraviolet light. PAMAM (polyamidoamine) dendrimers were evaluated to stabilize dilute aqueous solutions of ascorbic acid. UV-Vis absorbance spectroscopy was used to measure the degradation and stabilization over four hours with various dendrimers and varying pH values. Our data shows that PAMAM dendrimers can significantly decrease the rate of degradation, especially near physiological pH. These results demonstrate dendrimers as a technology for stabilizing reactive organic molecules.