Professional Dissertations from 2024
Programa de Discipulado Sobre la Familia Nuclear Para la Iglesia Bilingue Adventista del Septimo Dia de Hanford, California, USA, Bismarck Castillo
History, Theology, and Implementation of a Volunteer Lay Pastor Ministry in the Territory of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, José Cortés Jr.
Desenvolvimento de um Programa Para Capacitar Pastores em Preparação Pre-Matrimonial com Antecedência na Associacao Paulistana de IASD no Brasil, Jairo De Oliveira
A Strategy To Equip Selected Members of the Gaeta Church To Build Bridges with Immigrants to Draw Them Toward the Fellowship of the Congregation, Rebecca Kessewa Gaisie
Seminarios Para Aplicar Principios de Interpretacion de Los Escritos de Elena G. de White Para Las Iglesias Adventistas Hispanas en Paterson, New Jersey, Jose Alberto Hernancez Lache
Estrategia Para Fortalecer La Retencion de Jovenes en La Iglesia Adventista Central de las Tunas, Cuba, Magdiel Larramendy Laurencio
Desarrollo, Implementacion y Evaluacion de un Seminario de Liberazgo para Lideres de la Iglesia Central de Cojupeque, El Salvador, Alvaro Rafael Linero Vargas
Seminario de Orientación Sobre El Acoso Escolar Para Los Adolescentes de la Iglesia Adventista Hispana Atlanta Norte, Georgia, USA, Andres M. Lizardo
Cross-Denominational Dialogue: Sola Scriptura in Setting the Table for Charitable and Faithful Christian Discourse, Ciprian Mihai Manea
Facilitating Appropriate Clergy Response to Abuse Among Parishioners in the Wisconsin Conference of Seventh-day Advetnists, Nicholas S. Moore
A Leadership Strategy To Train and Equip African Pastors and Lay Leaders for Effective Ministry to Central African Refugees and Immigrants in Phoenix, Arizona, Joel Mpabwanimana
Developing A Strategy for Synergy Between Home and Church To Increase Youth Engagement and Faith Formation at Barriere Adventist Church, Timoteus Nagy
Developing a Small Groups Health Ministry at the Ventura County Korean Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hee Choung Park
Programa para Fomentar el Ministerio Filantrópico en La Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Día Hispana de Georgetown, Delaware, Luz E. Pinzón González
Seminario Sobre La Educacion de los Hijos Para La Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia Hispana Indy Segunda de Indianapolis, Indiana, Fernando Pizarro
Programa de Capacitacao em Evangelismo Publico para Pastores Distritais na Divisao Sul-American da Igreja Adventista do Septimo Dia, Rafael Ayala Silva Rossi
Intergenerational Mentorship Model for Membership Revitalization and Involvement at the Guelph Seventh-day Adventist Church, Aundrea A. Thompson
A Strategic Approach To a Discipleship System and Culture at the Adventist Community Church of Vancouver, Washington, Ryan H. Whitehead
Professional Dissertations from 2023
Using Christ's Method: Reshaping Evangelism in Milton Keynes International Seventh-day Adventist Church, Sampson Osei Aboagye
Seminario para Fortalecer La Dadivosidad en Las Ofrenda en La Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día de Perth Amboy, Nueva Jersey, Ricardo Cala
Strategy Implemented for Intentional Intergeneration Interaction at the Lacey Seventh-day Adventist Church, Jason Canfield
Programa de Capacitación Evangelística para la Iglesia Adventista Hispana de Poughkeepsie, New York, Fernando Rosario Castro
Finding a Voice: A Preaching Model To Address the Postmodern and Post-Soviet Young Adults at the Compass Seventh-day Adventist Church in Tallinn, Estonia, Mervi Cederstrom
Promoting Intergenerational Harmony at the Dedham Seventh-day Adventist Church of the Southern New England Conference, Yves Gerald Francis
Premarital Education : a Comprehensive Approach for Seventh-day Adventist Pastors in the Italian Union, Roberto Ianno
A Leadership Strategy to Identify and Reverse the Effects of Consumerism on the Commitment to the Mission and Management of the Village Seventh-day Adventist Church Members, Ronald Paul Kelly Jr.
Creating a Culture Shift in the Tracy Seventh-day Adventist Church To Attract Millennials and Generation Z, Tyler Kraft
Modelo de Discipulado Para Fomentar la Vida Espiritual en la Iglesia, Emilio David Mettner
A Strategy To Increase Spiritual Maturity by Practicing Spiritual Disciplines at Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church in Houston, Texas, Robert W. Norwood
Ministry Strategy for Retaining Youth and Young Adults in the Australian Union Conference, Jeffrey N. Parker
Programa de Discipulado para Líderes de las Unidades de Acción del Distrito Misonero de "La Era" de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día, Lima Este 2022, Hector Willy Roncal Salazar
Growing Inclusive Churches of Belonging for Families Living with Autism in the Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Elizabeth Rosete-Pule
Creating a Mission-Focused Stewardship Plan for the Shiloh Bilingual French Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brooklyn, New York, Herode J. Thomas
A Lay Preachers' Training Program at Reading West Adventist Church Focusing on Preaching that Connects with Second Generation Seventh-day Adventist Young Adults, Trevor A. Thomas
Building Intergenerational Relationships with Mutual Benefits at North Port Seventh-day Adventist Church, Breath of Life Seventh-day Adventist Church, and Conyers Seventh-day Adventist Church, Paul David Lincoln Wilson
Professional Dissertations from 2022
To Make Man Whole: Towards a Strategy for Gospel-Centered, Comprehensive Health Evangelism, Kyle L. Allen
Missional Leaders' Multiplication Through Holistic Discipleship: The Fishermen Project as a Model for German Millennials in the Central Rhenish Conference, Christian Badorrek
The Pilot Project for a Conference-Wide Church Multiplication Project in the Ontario Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Jakov Bibulović
A Follow-Up Program for Public Evangelism Using Online Discipleship in the Indiana Conference, Eric Freking
An Evangelistic Approach to Children of the Brantford Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brantford, Canada, Alexander Gietsel
Programa de Capacitacion para el Desarrollo de Nuevos Secretarios Ejecutivos de Uniones y Campos de la Division Sudamericana, Edward Heidinger
A Strategy To Help Parents Realize and Fulfill Their Role As The Disciple-Makers of Their Children in the New Eden French Church, Wilfrid Louis Jean
Wholistic Stewardship Revitalization Strategy at Pueblo First Seventh-day Adventist Church Rocky Mountain Conference, Anton Kapusi
A Marital Growth Program for Adventist Couples in the Susanville and Quincy Churches of the Nevada Utah Conference, Emmanuel LaPorte
Leadership Strategy for Sustaining Mission-Focused Vision in Years Seven to Ten of Crosswalk Fellowship, Boyan Levterov
A Strategy for Planting a Growing Seventh-day Adventist Church in Rivers West Conference, Nigeria, Smart B. Maduagu
Utilizing Personality Theory To Help High School Students Find Meaningful Spiritual Growth Practices at Portland Adventist Academy in Portland, Oregon, Jonny Wesley Moor
Developing and Implementing a Community-Based Hospitality Awareness and Training Program in the Green Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church, Titus Naftanaila
A Small Group Ministry Combining Health Concepts with Biblical Narrative Analysis-Derived Principles at the Stevensville Seventh-day Adventist Church, Patricia Nesbit
A Strategy To Manage Members Expectation of Pastor's Work in Multicultural Churches in Birmingham, England, Steve Palmer
Using Transformational Preaching and Life-Skill Seminars To Promote Conversation and Dialogue on Abuse and Family Violence at Mount Olive Seventh-day Adventist Church in Toronto, Jacqueline D. Peart
Implementing a Faith-Based Weight Loss Outreach Program for the Westside Community of Jacksonville, Florida, Jonathan Peinado
Developing and Testing Concise Evangelistic Videos for Millennials and Generation Z in Columbia, Missouri, Hiram Rester
Programa Para Fomentar La Testificación en La Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día Aliento de Vida en Memphis, Tennessee, Juan Rymer-Álvarez
Discipleship Coaching for Empowering Members at Norwalk Seventh-day Adventist Church, John W. Strehle Jr.
Leadership Skills and Strategies, and Their Effect on Processing Change in Light of the Grand Prairie Seventh-day Adventist Church Building Project, Danail G. Tchakarov
Professional Dissertations from 2021
Elaboração de um Manual Filosófico para Editores da Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Wellington Vedovello Barbosa
A Preaching Strategy Toward Spirituality, Renewal and Unity at the Cornerstone Seventh-day Adventist Church, Normand Louis Cote
An Evangelism and Discipleship Pathway To Address the Cultural and Worldview Distance between the Preston Seventh-day Adventist Church and the White British Culture in Preston, Jeff Keith Couzins
Parental Engagement in the Baptismal Process at Florida Hospital Seventh-day Adventist Church, Gregory Creek
A Strategy for Collaborative Leadership at Mt. Sinai Seventh-day Adventist Church in Orlando, Florida, Herman Leon Davis Sr.
Escuela de Capacitación de Liderazgo para Ancianos de la Misión sur Metropolitana de Chile, Josue G. Espinoza
Formation of a Millennial Cafe Ministry in Ogden, Utah: An Economically Viable Model, Ryan Kent Hablitzel
Seminario de Orientacion Matrimonial Basado en el Libro de Cantares para la Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia Hispana de Plano, Texas, Ronaldo D. Marsollier
Missional Prayer : The Ebenezer Model as a Relational Catalyst for Disciple Making Through the Collegedale Seventh-day Adventist Church, James Gordon Moon Sr.
Professional Dissertations from 2020
Developing Spiritual Disciplines in Youth and Young Adult Leaders through Mentoring at the Peachtree City Seventh-day Adventist Church, Nathaniel E. Elias
Strategy To Implement and Evaluate a Health and Wellness Program in the Inner-City of Benton Harbor, Michigan through the Harbor of Hope Church, Imasiku Mubita
Training, Equipping, and Deploying Teenagers for Preaching with a Prophetic Emphasis at the Plantation Seventh-day Adventist Church, Iosif Salajan
Applying Biblical Principles Towards a Model of Theological Dialogue at the Hillside O'Malley Church, David Shin
A Strategy to Train Members to Encourage Non-Members to Make Decisions for Baptism and Church Membership at the Middletown Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church, Joshua William Voigt
Professional Dissertations from 2019
The Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Preaching Discipleship Training Program for Church Members in the Knoxville First Seventh-day Adventist Church, Marcus Alden Swearingen Bates
Improving Marital Satisfaction: An Enrichment Program for Couples in the Huntington, New York Seventh-day Adventist Church, Eddly B. Benoit
Desarrollo e Implementacion de un Programa de Administracion para Pastores Distritales con Multiples Iglesias en la Union Peruana del Sur, Enzo Ronald Chávez Idrogo
Strategy To Retain Second Generation Immigrants at the Bethlehem French Seventh-day Adventist Church in New Jersey, Emile Duvivier
Desarrollo e Implementacion de Un Programa de Entrenamiento para Predicadores Laicos en las Iglesias Adventistas del Distrito de Fort Washington, Nueva York, S. Yeury Ferreira
A Training Program for Members to Minister to HIV/AIDS Patients at the Nyagiki Seventh-day Adventist Church, Kenya, Job Ogoti Getange
A Strategy To Reach Families with Children in Calgary, Alberta, Ghenadie Girleanu
Transforming the Lexington Seventh-day Adventist Church Through Spirituality and Prayer, Pavel Goia
Desarrollo y Evaluacion de Folletos Para Ensenar la Clase de Etica y Valores en la Institucion Educativa Agropecuaria Adventista del Llano (Instival), Colombia, Oscar Lucumi Gonzalez
Servant Leadership Development Model for Staff at the University of the Southern Caribbean, Lloyd Eric Jacott
Ministering to Youth and Young Adults Through a Sports Initiative in the Normandie Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church, Michael S. Jenkins Jr.
Equipping Adventist Community Services Directors as Leaders for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Sung Kun Kwon
Educating Young Adults in the Conejo Valley to Choose a Godly Spouse, Simon Liversidge
A Collaborative Leadership Strategy To Develop a Missional Focus at the Anderson Seventh-day Adventist Church, Murray L. Miller
A Pediatric Spiritual Care Training Model Utilizing Volunteers at Children's Hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana, Allen L. Mitchell