Faculty Publications



Submissions from 1992


Evaluation of the Behavioral Roles of Ascending Auditory Interneurons in Calling Song Phonotaxis by the Female Cricket (Acheta domesticus), Gordon Atkins, John Henley, Rob Handysides, and John Stout


Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy of Host Cell Pathology Associated with Penetration by Eimeria Papillata Sporozoites, H. D. Danforth, R. Entzeroth, and Bill Chobotar


Age-Correlated Changes and Juvenile Hormone III Tegulation of the Syllable Period Specific Responses of the L3 Auditory Interneurons in the Cricket, Acheta domesticus, John Henley, Jodie Greenwood, John Stout, and Gordon Atkins


Sodium-Calcium Exchange: Derivation of a State Diagram and Rate Constants from Experimental Data, Edward A. Johnson, D. Renald Lemieux, and J. Mailen Kootsey


Enhanced Calling Song Syllable Period Discrimination during One-Eared Phonotaxis by the Female Cricket (Acheta domesticus), Raymond Kohne, Steven Atkins, John Stout, and Gordon Atkins


Influence of Root Colonizing Bacteria on the Defense Responses of Bean, Robert E. Zdor and A. J. Anderson

Submissions from 1991


Rapid Dissolution of Avian Eggshells Buried by Mount St Helens Ash, James L. Hayward, Karl F. Hirsch, and Theodore C. Robertson


A Metabolic Model for the Determination of Shell Composition in the Bivalve Mollusc, Mytilus Edulis, Gary D. Rosenberg and W. William Hughes


Regulation of Cricket Phonotaxis through Hormonal Control of the Threshold of an Identified Auditory Neuron, John Stout, Gordon Atkins, and David Zacharias


Attractiveness of the Male Acheta domesticus Calling Song to Females - III. The Relation of Age-Correlated Changes in Syllable Period Recognition and Phonotactic Threshold to Juvenile Hormone III Biosynthesis, Randall Walikonis, Daniel Schoun, David Zacharias, John Henley, Pamela Coburn, and John Stout

Submissions from 1989


Turning Eggs to Fossils: A Natural Experiment in Taphonomy, James Hayward, Charles Amlaner, and Karen Young

Submissions from 1977


Increases in a Population of Nesting Glaucous-Winged Gulls Disturbed by Humans, Charles Amlaner, James Hayward, Ernest Schwab, and John Stout


Predation on Gulls by Bald Eagles in Washington, James Hayward, W. Gillett, Charles Amlaner, and John Stout

Submissions from 1975


Predation on Nesting Gulls by a River Otter in Washington State, James Hayward, Charles Amlaner, W. Gillett, and John Stout


Dispersal of Seagulls in an Airdrome Environment, John Stout, William Gillett, James Hayward, and Charles Amlaner