Curriculum Theory | 2020 Andrews University Teaching and Learning Conference

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Thursday, March 26th
12:30 PM

The Defeat of Democracy

Sharon Crowder, Andrews University
Sibo S. Nyathi, Andrews University

Bell Hall 013

12:30 PM

12:55 PM

Mortal Educational Combat

Guerline Plaisir, Andrews University
Celeste Giles, Andrews University
Cynthia Poole, Andrews University

Bell Hall 013

12:55 PM

1:30 PM

The Dissolution of Subjectivity in Cyberculture

Yanina Jimenez, Andrews University
Helene Linzau, Andrews University

Bell Hall 013

1:30 PM

1:55 PM

The Future in the Past

Betty P. Paulraj, Andrews University
Alyssa Walter, Andrews University

Bell Hall 013

1:55 PM

2:30 PM

Anti-Intellectualism and Complicated Conversation

Jenica Joseph, Andrews University
Mohammed Alqarni, Andrews University
Tanzania Lawrence, Andrews University

Bell Hall 013

2:30 PM

2:55 PM

Subjective and Social Survival (Reconstruction)

Sable Kessler, Andrews University
Mwanangombe Mubita, Andrews University

Bell Hall 013

2:55 PM