Exploring Psycho-Social Training Needs of Pastors


Session A

Event Website


Start Date

25-5-2023 2:55 PM

End Date

25-5-2023 3:20 PM


Church members often experience psycho-social challenges for which pastors have little or no training. This study presents findings on the training needs of pastors serving in the Lake Union and Lake Region Conferences as a first step toward designing training programs to better address the complex social/emotional needs of members.

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May 25th, 2:55 PM May 25th, 3:20 PM

Exploring Psycho-Social Training Needs of Pastors

Session A

Church members often experience psycho-social challenges for which pastors have little or no training. This study presents findings on the training needs of pastors serving in the Lake Union and Lake Region Conferences as a first step toward designing training programs to better address the complex social/emotional needs of members.
